Minutes of the meeting of the 25th July 2023


Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 25th of July 2023 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm. 

Present:- Cllr.E.B.Clark [EC] chairman /acting clerk, Cllrs. H.Padfield [HP], J.Padfield [JP], C.Bruntlett [CB], J.Stuchfield [JS], County Cllr. P.Bradwell and one member of the public.


7.00pm.  Public forum.

                 Concerns were voiced regarding the spreading of sewage sludge on farmland, some of which had fouled the road when it was done last year.

7.10pm    Formal council meeting.

[1]     Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.

                   Dist. Cllr. Gray sent apologies.

[2]     Declaration of interests.

                   There were none.

[3]     To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of 23rd of May 2023.

                 JS propose that the draft notes be adopted as the true and correct minutes of the meeting of 23 May 2023, seconded by CB and resolved.  The chairman signed the minutes.

[4]      Matters arising from the minutes, and activity since the last meeting.

                 EC reported that he had had a briefing meeting with Mrs. L. Bury ahead of her proposed co-option to the council.

                 Arrangements for the Classic Motor Show were progressing satisfactorily.

               JS mentioned that he had applied to LCC for free litter-pickers to distribute to residents.  

               Other matters arising were related to later agenda items.

[5]    Correspondence.

              County Cllr. Davies sent a request for comments regarding the maintenance of highways.

[6]     Reports from Dist. / County Councillors.

              County Cllr. Bradwell discussed highways maintenance.  LCC were allocating more money to highways, albeit frustrated by the reducing level of finance from government.  EC expressed thanks for the improvements to the Pinfold Lane culvert surface.

[7]     Finance.

         a]   To confirm the Lloyds Bank a/c reconciliation.

                  Bank statements up to the 13th June 2023 were checked against income and expenses, the balance being £12,087.79.  CB proposed confirmation or the reconciliation, seconded by JP and resolved.

        b]     To approve payments :-

                 1]      KLS Electrical   - defibrillator relocation             £342.95

                 2]     LALC  - audit                                                             £180.00

                 3]     ELDC – non contested election fee                        £97.00

                      JP proposed approval, seconded by HP and resolved.

        c]     To approve detailed costings for the proposed Top Minting defibrillator.

                EC advised that the cost of the Lifepak CR2 fully automatic defibrillator from the usual suppliers, Safelincs of Alford, would be £1039.99 + VAT, and a green polycarbonate outdoor cabinet would be £449.99 + VAT.    Total to be £1787.98 – of which the VAT of £297.99 would be reclaimable.

               JS proposed approval of the purchase, seconded by JP and resolved.

[8]     To consider, and vote upon, an application for co-option to the Parish Council.

                EC asked the candidate, Mrs. Lindsey Bury [LB], to say a few words regarding her interest in joining the PC.  Lindsey explained that she had been resident in Minting for 22 years, and wished to contribute to the community. She felt that, being female, she could bring another viewpoint to the PC, and also better represent the residents of Top Minting.

                LB left the room.  JP proposed approval of her co-option, seconded by HP and resolved.

               EC welcomed LB to the council, who then signed Acceptance of Office, GDPR and Declaration of Disclosable Interests forms.

[9]    Planning matters.

               Application  S/122/01312/23.

              Opinions voiced were that there had been no evidence of any serious commercial agricultural activity on the site so far.  The existing building was being used for dog breeding, with all it’s noise problems. Would any further buildings also be used for non- agricultural purposes?  The proposed livestock building would be within 400m of residential houses.

          EC agreed to convey the PC’s objections to ELDC Planning Dept. 

[10]   Parish maintenance.

            Defibrillator light.

          A complaint had been made regarding the intrusive glare from the light over the defibrillator on Minting village hall wall.  The electricians have been approached regarding changing it for a cowled swan-neck type light that would much reduce glare, and better illuminate the code lock.

           Gautby VH door repair.

                       Following the PC’s vote at the Nov. 2022 meeting to contribute £300.00 + VAT to the repair of the village hall doors, the management committee are now looking at the complete renewal of the doors. It was agreed that the PC’s contribution would still stand, although if the cost much exceeded it, then it would have to be a simple Section 137 donation of £300, as the PC cannot reclaim VAT on part of another organisation’s invoice.  [ S 137 is the power under which the PC can make a donation to a local cause, for which the PC does not receive an invoice].  JS proposed, seconded by JP and resolved.

          EC mentioned the repair of the street light near Minting VH, and that he did not know who pays for the electricity.  County Cllr. Bradwell advised that LCC pay for it.

          A brief discussion followed concerning the Minting broadband extension, which is due to be installed in August, by Openreach.

[11]      Any other business, and matters for the next meeting.

               There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.55pm.