Minutes of the meeting of 28th November 2023
Minutes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 28th of November 2023 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.
Present:- Cllr. E.B.Clark [EC] chairman / acting clerk, Cllrs. H.Padfield [HP], J.Padfield [JP], C.Bruntlett [CB], L.Bury [LB], J.Stuchfield [JS], Dist.Cllr. W.Gray and approx. fifteen members of the public.
7.00pm Public forum.
Discussion centred upon the damaging floods that occurred in Minting on the 20th October. Whilst it was acknowledged that the unprecedented level of rainfall that the village suffered, around 4 inches [ 100 mm] in a few hours, would probably overcome any flood defences that were likely to be introduced, improvements to water flow were certainly possible. Photographic evidence was seen that highlighted the extent to which the culvert near to ‘Cornerways’ was impeding water flow out of the village. EC said that the PC would be looking into the legal and financial aspects of increasing the water flow through the culvert with LCC Highways Dept and the Witham 3rd IDB .
Residents also mentioned the poor state of maintenance of the beck flowing from Baumber, particularly where it flows between residential properties. Other suggestions included some sort of flood warning siren.
7.25. pm Formal council meeting.
[1] Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.
County Cllr. P.Bradwell sent apologies.
[2] Declarations of interests, if any.
LB declared an interest in item 7a, as it affected her property, and would not vote.
[3] To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of 26th September 2023.
JS proposed adoption of the draft notes as the true and correct minutes of the meeting of 26th September 2023, seconded by LB and resolved. The chairman duly signed the minutes.
[4] Matters arising from the minutes, and activity since the last meeting.
All activity since the last meeting was related to further agenda items.
[5] Correspondence.
All correspondence of any importance was related to agenda items.
[6] Reports from District / County Cllrs, if any.
District Cllr. Gray presented a report that had been circulated to Cllrs. Various grants and other forms of financial aid were available for the victims of the recent flooding. Also covered were the Pride in Lincolnshire initiative, NHS Lincs. Joint Forward Plan, sea defences and Crime and Policing Survey.
[7] Finance.
a] To approve payment :-
Gladwin Electrical [defibrillator installation] £226.98
CB proposed approval, seconded by JP and resolved.
b] A brief review of finances, and progress to budget.
EC presented the accounts to date with the comment that the new defibrillator had absorbed much of the capital spending budget for the year. The item for tree pruning in Gautby churchyard was paid from a carried forward reserve.
c] To consider and agree payments for defibrillator electricity.
EC mentioned that the two original defibrillators had now ben moved. It was agreed that final half-year payments of £30 each be paid to Mrs V.Brown and Gautby VHC. JS proposed, seconded by LB and resolved. It was agreed to set new year payment to the new host, Minting VHC, at the January meeting, and the Gautby defib. would now come under the kiosk electricity supply. LB said that she and her husband did not wish to accept any payment for the new Top Minting defib. supply at their property, for which the chairman expressed the council’s thanks and appreciation.
[8] Flooding.
Discussion on the Minting flooding largely reiterated the remarks made in the public session. EC said that he would firstly be contacting LCC Highways Dept to try and establish the ‘ adopted or un-adopted ‘ status of the loop of old road that ran over the troublesome culvert by ‘Cornerways’. The scale of the improvements may possibly be within the financial capability of the PC if, as expected, there would be no assistance from Witham 3rd IDB.
[9] Planning matters.
‘ Longlands Farm’ injunction. The chairman suspended Standing Orders to allow Mr. Tidd to make his case. Mr. Tidd told the meeting that he only wished to create an agricultural business on the site, and had no wish to turn it into a traveller’s camp. He denied that there was a problem with noisy dogs, and pointed out that there were troublesome dogs elsewhere in the village.
Standing Orders were then resumed. EC noted that planning permission for another agricultural building on the site had been approved.
[10] Parish maintenance.
a] Broadband.
EC mentioned that the broadband extension to Chapel Lane / Lodge Lane was now operational.
b] Top Minting defibrillator.
LB reported that the defibrillator was now installed and operational. She was obtaining a quote for lighting for this one, and also for a better light for the Minting defibrillator.
c] Gautby VH doors.
Following enquiries from Gautby VHC, EC said that he had assured them that the offer of £300 was still valid. There were no proposals to increase that amount.
[12] Any other business, and matters for the next meeting.
EC suggested a provisional date of 16th January 2024 for the next meeting, dependent upon the ELDC deadline for setting the parish precept.
Following the auditor’s recommendation, a motion to increase the number of signatories for the Lloyds Bank account to three would be an agenda item.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.35pm.