Minutes of the meeting of 24th January 2023
Minutes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 24th of January 2023 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.
Present:- Cllr. E. B. Clark [EC] Chairman /acting Clerk, Cllrs. H.Padfield [HP], J.Stuchfield [JS], J.Padfield [JP], C.Bruntlett [CB] and County Cllr. P. Bradwell.
7.00 pm. Public forum.
No members of the public were present.
7.10pm. Formal Council meeting.
[1] Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.
The Chairman welcomed Cllrs. to the meeting, but advised that some items of information were not available currently due to computer problems. Dist. Cllr. Gray sent apologies, citing a prior commitment, but forwarded a report that would be circulated to members as soon as possible.
[2] Declarations of interests.
There were no declarations of interests.
[3] To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of 22nd November 2022.
There were no proposals for amendment. JS proposed that the draft notes be adopted as the true and correct Minutes of the meeting of 22nd November 2022, seconded by JP and resolved.
[4] Matters arising from the Minutes, and activity since the last meeting.
EC reported that the Council’s response regarding Planning Application S/122/01996/22 was sent to ELDC Planning Dept.
[5] Correspondence.
Due to computer problems, no correspondence was available.
[6] Reports from District / County Councillors.
County Cllr. Bradwell reported. LCC had allocated £15m out of reserves for highway maintenance, to partly compensate for the reduction in funding from Government. More money would be allocated to homecare providers. EC questioned Cllr. Bradwell regarding the status of the access road to The Green in Minting, which apparently had been un-adopted by LCC some years ago, and maintenance was becoming an issue. Cllr Bradwell advised that she would check with the Highways Dept, and hoped to arrange an on – site meeting with the manager to discuss all local highways problems.
[7] To approve renewal of LALC membership for 2023-24.
CB proposed renewal, seconded by JS and resolved.
]8] Finance.
[a] To approve a reconciliation of the Lloyds Bank account.
The reconciliation was agreed at a figure of £14,337.82. JP proposed adoption, seconded by HP and resolved. The RFO signed the Bank statement.
[b] To approve payments :-
[1] Gautby VH committee - defib. electricity - £60.00
[2] Mrs V Brown - defib. electricity - £60.00
[3] EKM Ltd - grass mowing 2022- £3288.00
[4] EKM Ltd - noticeboard installation - £336.00
JS proposed approval, seconded by JP and resolved
[c] To agree a draft budget for the year 2023-24.
EC explained that the Council’s running costs, including grass mowing, were likely to be in the region of £4,500 for the coming year. After some discussion, it was agreed to set the budget at £5,500 for 2023-24, allowing £1000 plus reclaimed VAT to be spent on other capital / maintenance projects.
[d] To set the Parish Precept for the year 2023-24
JS proposed that the Precept be frozen at the previous year’s figure of £5,500, seconded by CB and resolved.
[9] To discuss arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting
A provisional date was agreed at 10th May 2023.
[10] Defibrillator training.
Following requests from residents for defibrillator training, it was decided to make enquiries regarding having some training organised for the Annual Parish meeting.
[11] Parish maintenance.
[a] To appoint a grass mowing contractor for the year 2023-24.
Following receipt of a quotation, CB proposed that EKM Ltd be appointed again for the year, seconded by JS and resolved.
[b] To discuss progress on other maintenance matters.
EC reported that the proposed broadband extension in Minting was not progressing due to bureaucratic problems with various properties’ addresses.
A pole had been ordered to repair the broken one in Church Lane, holding the dog bin.
Progress was slow over the application for another dog bin at the Pinfold Lane junction.
The new gates for Gautby churchyard were soon to be installed.
CB agreed to enquire with an electrician that he knew regarding moving the defibrillators.
[12] Any other business, and matters for the next meeting.
Dates were agreed for meetings in 2023, - 28th March, 23rd May, 25th July, 26th September and 28th November.
EC noted that Council elections were due in May, and efforts would be made to encourage more residents to become parish councillors.
The being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.