Minting and Gautby Parish Council belongs to the bottom tier of local government.
Representing the residents of the combined parishes of Minting and Gautby, we are within the Roughton ward of East Lindsey District council [ Dist. Cllr. William Gray], and the Woodhall Spa and Wragby division of Lincolnshire County Council [ County Cllr. Patricia Bradwell ]
The Parish Council normally has six ordinary meetings per year, with occasional extraordinary meetings to comment on planning issues etc. Most meetings are held at Minting village hall on Tuesday evenings. We currently have six councillors, the maximum number being eight. We have two vacancies for the Minting ward.
Our policy is to keep our administrative costs to a minimum, in order to devote the maximum proportion of Council Taxpayers money to the maintenance of our public spaces and assets. Our economic policy is to support occasional small developments, particularly those which help to retain young, economically active residents in our villages, while keeping the attractive rural character of our area.
We support all our institutions and interest groups, and would welcome any resident who would like to be considered for co-option to one of our vacant seats.