Draft notes of the meeting of the 26th November 2024


Draft notes of the ordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 26th of November 2024 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.   To be confirmed at the next meeting

Present:-  Cllrs.E.B.Clark [EC] Chairman and acting clerk, H.Padfield [HP],  J.Padfield [JP], L.Bury [LB], J.Stuchfield [JS], W Hughes [WH], A.Cadman [AC], Dist. Cllr. W Gray [WG] and three members of the public.

7.00pm    Public forum.

                A resident requested a longer public forum before meetings.  EC replied that 10 minutes was usually adequate, but when necessary, the forum is extended.   To a query regarding funding for Minting church repairs, EC pointed out that subsidising church buildings is specifically forbidden in the Acts of Parliament that established Parish Councils. Subsidising churchyards, however, is permissible under the obligation that PC’s are subject - to maintain a burial ground. The PC fulfill’s that obligation generously in both villages.

7.10pm    Formal Council meeting.

1]   Chairman’s welcome, and apologies for absence.

              Cllr. Bruntlett sent apologies, citing work commitments. LB proposed acceptance, seconded by JS and resolved.  County Cllr. P.Bradwell also sent apologies.

2]    Declarations of interests.

              EC declared a pecuniary interest in Item 7b1, and would not vote.

3]    To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of the 24th of September.

            WH proposed adoption of the draft notes as the true and correct Minutes of that meeting, seconded by JS and resolved. EC signed the Minutes.

4]    Matters arising from the Minutes, and activity since the last meeting.

           EC reported maintenance of the Gautby defibrillator. WG advised that the grant aid towards defibrillator maintenance should have been paid into the PC’s account.

5]     Correspondence.

        A resident had suggested some sort of flood warning siren be installed.

        A ‘Community Summit’, to advise on schemes to assist the elderly, would take place on the 6th of December in Horncastle, arranged by Victoria Atkins MP.

        An Emergency Planning evening would take place at the County Emergency Centre, Lincoln on the 28th of November.

       The Parish Precept notification had been received from ELDC, for return by the 28th of January, 2025.

6]    Reports from District / County Cllrs. if any.

        WG reported. Subjects covered included Christmas markets, Lincs Digital [ for I.T. training], YMCA website for grant funding and the mental health charity Shine, based in the old Lloyds Bank building in Horncastle.

7]     Finance.

     a]   To approve a reconciliation of the Lloyds Bank account.

                The account was reconciled at £11,088.43 as at the 29th Oct 2024, proposed by WH, seconded by AC and resolved. AC signed the Bank statement.

     b]   To approve payments:-

          1]   Cllr. E.B.Clark - 3rd pty. payment – Safelincs defib. kit -   £241.15

          2]   Information Commissioner’s Office  - annual fee       -      £35.00

   EC, having declared an interest, left the room.  WH proposed approval, seconded by LB and resolved.  EC then rejoined the meeting.

      C]     To agree and approve a payment to Minting V.H.Committee for defibrillator and overhead light electricity for the full year 2024.

             After brief discussion, JS proposed £60.00, seconded by LB and resolved.

      d]     To note a letter from Lloyds Bank advising that the PC’s account would change to a ‘Community Account’, with a monthly charge of £4.25.

            WG noted that such charges were now standard practice.

     e]      To consider, and if agreed, sign the LALC Audit Terms of Engagement.

             JS proposed approval, seconded by LB and resolved. The RFO [ JS] then signed the Terms of Engagement.

8]      To consider an application for a 30mph speed limit for Top Minting.

          Cllrs. agreed on the desirability of a speed limit for that part of Mill Lane that is known locally as Top Minting. WG mentioned that an application for a speed limit was often a lengthy process, and often refused. But if the PC wished to proceed, then County Cllr. Bradwell would initiate the application. LB proposed that the PC make an application, seconded by JS and resolved.

9]      Flooding.

          EC mentioned that he had spoken with a member of 3rd Witham IDB board.   The problems in Minting were discussed again at a recent board meeting, and appeared to be well up on the board’s priorities, once administrative matters were completed and finance allowed.

10]     Planning.

           The recent granting of Temporary Agricultural Dwelling  permission [S/122/00845/24] was discussed.  EC said he considered this to be a scandal, due to the impossibility of creating a viable agricultural business on such a small area of land, and that the applicant had a current application to house pigs and dogs for breeding in the same building – a proposal that has serious bio-security implications, and is contrary to Farm Assurance standards.  HP said that he found the decision inexplicable.

11]    Parish maintenance.

            Defibrillators.    EC advised that he had recently installed a new battery and pads in the Gautby defibrillator.

            Pinfold lane culvert.    The subsidence of the recently re-surfaced road over the culvert had been brought to the attention of LCC Highways Dept.

           Church Lane dog bin pole.    EC suggested that the dog bin be attached to the new footpath sign pole.  WG advised asking permission of the Highways Dept, through Cllr Bradwell.

             Planters.      The question of the possible provision of planters by the PC was again discussed.   JS suggested that the scattered nature of Minting would make it difficult to know where to place them.  AC said that she would be happy to maintain one situated on the Green in Minting.  Enquiries would be made regarding the situation in Gautby, although no promises would be made given the likelihood of the need for large expenditure on flooding prevention work in Minting.

             The improvement to the un-adopted road onto the Green, paid for by some residents, was welcomed by Cllrs.

12]      Any other business

              LB requested that dog fouling be on the agenda for the next meeting.  EC outlined provisional dates for 2025 meetings – vis:- January 28th, March 25th, May 27th, July 29th, September 30th and November 25th.

             There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.15pm.