Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the 24th of September 2024
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 24th of September 2024 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.
Present:- Cllrs. E.B.Clark [EC] Chairman and acting clerk, H.Padfield [HP], J.Padfield [JP], J.Stuchfield [JS], L.Bury [LB], C.Bruntlett [CB] W.Hughes [WH] and three members of the public.
7.00pm Public forum.
Discussion centred upon ideas to raise the profile of the villages by promoting the local historical heritage.
7.10 pm. Formal council meeting.
1] Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.
Cllr. A. Cadman sent apologies, citing holiday arrangements. LB proposed acceptance, seconded by WH and resolved. Dist. Cllr. W.Gray also sent apologies.
2] Declarations of interests.
EC declared an interest in item 7b, and would not vote.
3] To confirm or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of the 30th of July 2024.
JS proposed adoption of the draft notes as the true and correct minutes of that meeting, seconded by LB and resolved. EC then signed the minutes.
4] Matters arising from the minutes, and activity since the last meeting.
EC reported on the Minting Classic Motor Show. Despite a slightly reduced entry, a total of £2,200 was raised for St Barnabas Hospice. Other activity covered in later agenda items.
5] Correspondence.
Information from LCC regarding regional devolution. Communication from an individual on behalf of the Environment Agency requesting that action be taken regarding poisonous giant hogweed growing by a public footpath in Gautby. The landowner has been notified.
6] Reports from District / County Cllrs., if any.
Dist. Cllr. Gray had forwarded an update on various matters including Louth Food and Drink Festival, Family Hub grants, Police and Crime consultation, Bluetongue control area and a warning of a ‘Parking Penalty’ scam currently circulating.
7] Finance.
To approve payments :-
a] Minting VH Committee - hall hire - £40.00
b] Cllr. E.B.Clark - 3rd party payment of
one defibrillator pack - £247.34
Having declared an interest, EC left the room. The RFO asked for proposal for approval. CB proposed, seconded by WH and resolved. EC then rejoined the meeting.
8] Flooding.
EC reported on his recent conversation with Ms. J. Froggart of Witham 3rd Internal Drainage Board, who advised that their intention was to increase the capacity of the fourth culvert by the installation of another pipe, hopefully before the next winter. In the longer term, Witham 3rd would be considering replacement with a clear span bridge. WH asked for a clear date for the work, EC advised that that was unlikely as Witham 3rd IDB has very many obligations for flood prevention works in its area, and that they were still awaiting an LCC report on the October 2023 flood. Ms Froggart had also mentioned negotiations with the insurers of a property in Church Lane regarding possible improvements to the adjoining beck. She further advised that the short length of ditch along Church Lane that joins the two becks was now obsolete, and not IDB maintained.
EC remarked that if what had been outlined comes to pass, then that would most likely be the total contribution from official bodies. This left the question of the culvert to The Green, which was also of inadequate capacity. Being an unadopted road, LCC would be unlikely to accept responsibility for it, leaving the PC to do any improvement work - if it could be done within the PC’s limited financial means.
9] Planning.
EC reported on a meeting with Mr. Holt, planning agent for application S/122/00853/24. The property does have an agricultural Holding No., therefore livestock movements notifications rules can be properly observed.
However, EC felt that he had not been presented with a proposal that represented a viable agricultural business, and the bio-security of the pig enterprise was still not fully explained given what would be a constant stream of visitors inspecting potential puppy purchases in the same building. The PC remained totally opposed to the proposed extension of the non-agricultural dog breeding activities.
WH mentioned that a dog breeding licence requires the applicant to have a permanent residence on site, which was not the case in this instance.
Cllrs. voiced regret regarding the felling of attractive mature trees on the site.
10] Parish maintenance.
Defibrillators. LB offered to approach Dist. Cllr. Gray regarding financial assistance with the replacement of battery and pads of the two original units. The Minting unit having been updated with new parts, the Gautby unit still to be done.
Pinfold Lane culvert. Cllrs. expressed disappointment that the Pinfold Lane culvert surface had sunk, barely a year after re-surfacing by LCC Highways Dept. County Cllr. Bradwell to be informed.
Dog bin/ footpath sign pole. CB mentioned the need for a new pole in Church Lane, the old one having rusted through.
Gautby VH doors. EC mentioned that he understood that Gautby VH committee were applying for funding for new doors from the Hatton Compressor Station fund, in order to improve the hall’s thermal efficiency.
11] Any other business [ discussion only] and matters for the next meeting.
The meeting ended with a brief discussion on the suggested provision of planters, and ideas to increase the awareness of PC activity, suggested by Cllr. Cadman, who was absent.
With no further business, the meeting closed at 7.50pm.