Draft notes of the meeting of the 28th of January 2025


Draft notes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 28th of January 2025 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.   To be approved at the next meeting.

Present :-  Cllrs E.B.Clark [EC] chairman and acting clerk, H.Padfield [HP], J.Stuchfield [JS], J.Padfield [JP], L.Bury [LB], C.Bruntlett [ CB], W.Hughes [WH], A Cadman [AC] and three members of the public.

7.00 pm   Public forum.

           There were no questions from the public.

7.00 pm   Formal council meeting.

[1]    Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.

            Apologies received from Dist. Cllr. W.Gray.  County Cllr. P Bradwell hoped to attend later if possible.

[2]     Declarations of interests.

           There were none.

[3]     To confirm or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of the 26th of November 2024.

          JS  proposed adoption of the draft notes as the true and correct minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by LB and resolved. The chairman then signed the Minutes.

[4]    Matters arising from the Minutes, and activity since the last meeting.

         Matters arising were all concerned with later agenda items.

[5]    Correspondence.

          The revised Electoral Register had been received from ELDC.

          An LCC Highways survey had been received.

          A letter from a resident had been received expressing an interest in serving on the PC when a vacancy occurred.

          A resident’s enquiry concerning the location of the Minting defibrillator was discussed. Cllrs. discussed the recent re-location of the defibrillator to Minting Village Hall at some expense and after careful consideration, given official advice that defibs. should be located near to facilities where people congregate- such as village halls. There were no proposals to move the defib. to another location.

[6]    Reports from District /County Councillors, if any.

       Dist. Cllr. Gray recently sent the ELDC Update, forwarded to Cllrs., also notice of the East Lindsey Investment Fund which could be of interest to the PC in view of possible large spending on flood prevention measures in the new year.

[7]    To approve or not, renewal of L.A.L.C. membership.

          JS proposed renewal, seconded by AC and resolved.

[8]    Finance.

         a]   To approve payments:

                1.    Minting VHC -  hall hire and defib. electricity    £80.00

                2     EKM.Ltd     -     grassmowing 2024                        £3998.40

                         LB proposed approval, seconded by CB and resolved.

          b]    To agree a budget for the year 2025-26.

                       EC outlined budgeted running costs for the new year, not including any capital expenditure, of approx. £4500 after reclaim of V.A.T.   The total reserves were projected to be just under £7000 at the year end.  WH proposed adoption, seconded by AC and resolved.

           c]    To set a Parish Precept for the year 2025-26.

                          After discussion of the probable substantial capital spending on flood prevention measures in the new financial year, it was agreed to increase the precept by approx. 5% to £6,100.  LB proposed, seconded by HP and resolved.

[9]    To consider arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting 2025.

          EC suggested the 7th of May as a suitable date.  AC suggested that Mr. Steve Eason-Harris of LCC be approached to speak on the subject of Emergency Planning.

10]   Reports from the LCC Emergency Planning meeting.

         WH and AC reported on what they found to be a useful meeting with several initiatives suggested, such as the formation of a CERT team and possible adoption of the DEFRA alarm system.

[11]     Parish maintenance.

         a]     To appoint a grass mowing contractor for 2025.

                EKM ltd having indicated that their prices would stay the same for the new year as in 2024, CB proposed that EKM Ltd be appointed again as grass mowing contractor for 2025, seconded by AC and resolved.

          b]     To consider a quotation regarding improvements to ‘The Green’ culvert.

               EC advised that the quote was within the PC’s financial capabilities once the 2025 precept had been received. Pedestrian access during the work would be either an expensive temporary footbridge, or by the footpath from the Priory field.  It was agreed that all the residents of the Green should be fully consulted before any decision was made. LB suggested that the details could be left to a sub-committee.  JS was concerned that to do the work before the ‘Cornerways’ culvert work was done by Witham 3rd IDB / LCC Highways, it would make flooding worse for Cornerways, and also that he thought that the sewage pipe crossed the culvert, which would bring the project into question.  EC said that he would check the details and discuss the matter with Witham 3rd, whose permission would be needed before any work was done.

      c]    Councillor’s comments on the ‘near flood’ in Minting on the 6th of January 2025.

           Cllrs. noted that Minting had escaped the worst of the flooding that had occurred elsewhere in the county on the 7th of January.  The work being done renewing the beck revetments between Brook House and Y-not at considerable expense by Witham 3rd IDB. was a welcome development. The large underground relief pipe running behind the church was nearly at full capacity.

      d]       Pinfold Lane culvert maintenance.

          The temporary repair to the culvert was considered of poor quality, with many residents avoiding Pinfold Lane. EC to contact county Cllr. Bradwell to relay the PC’s disappointment with the situation.

       e]        Dog fouling.

              The increase of inconsiderate behaviour by a minority of dog owners was discussed.  Other than putting up notices appealing to residents to use the dog bins, there seemed little else that could be done.

       f]        Planters.

              AC advised that she was looking for a source of funding for a large planter to be placed near the Green in Minting.  Several residents had shown an interest in the idea.

[12]     Any other business [ for discussion only] and matters for the next meeting.

         Cllr. C .Bruntlett announced his resignation from the PC due to his imminent departure from the parish. The Chairman and Cllrs. thanked him for his valuable contribution to the PC over the last few years, and wished him well for the future.

         LB raised the matter of loose items of refuse falling from refuse collection vehicles due to them travelling with the rear door open.

         There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.25pm.