Agenda of the meeting of 28th of January 2025

    Notice of Parish Council meeting.

Dear Councillor, you are summoned:-

Dear resident, you are invited:-

                                                               to attend an ordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council, to be held on Tuesday the 28th of January 2025 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.

Cllr. E.B.Clark  acting clerk                                                   22/01/2025


7.00 pm  Public forum – maximum of 10 minutes.


7.10 pm.  Formal council meeting.

1]     Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.

2]     Declarations of interests.

3]     To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of the 26th of November 2024.

4]     Matters arising from the Minutes, and activity since the last meeting.   

5]     Correspondence.

6]      Reports from District / County Councillors, if any.

7]      To approve, or not, renewal of LALC membership for 2025.

8]      Finance.

           a]    To approve payments :-  

                   1. Minting VHC  - hall hire and defib. electricity   -  £80.00

                   2.  EKM Ltd     grass mowing    -                             £3,998.40     

           b]    To agree a budget for the year 2025-26.

           c]    To set a Parish Precept for the year 2025-26.

9]     To consider arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting 2025.

10]   Reports from LCC Emergency Planning meeting.

11]   Parish maintenance.

         1.  To appoint a grass mowing contractor for 2025.

         2.   To consider a quote and discuss arrangements regarding improvements to The Green culvert in Minting – final decision to be made at the March meeting.  Discussion to cover finance, consultation with residents of The Green, pedestrian access etc.

         3.   Councillor’s comments on the ‘near flood’ in Minting on the 6th of January.  

        4.   Pinfold Lane culvert maintenance.

        5.  Dog fouling

        6.   Planters.

12]   Any other business [ for discussion only] and matters for the next meeting.