Minutes of the meeting of 27th September 2022


Minutes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 27th of September 2022 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.

Present:-  Cllr. E.B.Clark [EC], Chairman / acting Clerk, Cllrs.H.Padfield [HP], J.Padfield [JP], C.Bruntlett [CB], and J.Stuchfield [JS].


7.00 pm  Public forum.  

     No members of the public were present.

7.10 pm.  Formal Council meeting.

    Councillors observed a one-minute silence as a mark of respect for the late Queen Elizabeth 2nd.

[1]    Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.

      Dist. Cllr. Gray sent apologies, having a prior commitment.

[2]    Declarations of interests.

      There were none.

[3]     To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft notes of the meeting of 24th May 2022.

      JS proposed that the draft notes be adopted as the true and correct Minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by HP and resolved.

[4]    Matters arising from the Minutes, and activity since the last meeting.

         The Minting Classic Motor Show on 11th Sept was a success, with approx. 170 entries, and many visitors. The organising committee had thanked the PC for its assistance.

          The new black and purple wheelie bins were now operational, causing some initial confusion amongst residents.

        Other matters arising are dealt with under agenda items.

[5]   Correspondence.

       EC reported a number of communications to do with the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd.   The PC website carried the official Lincolnshire County Council mourning information.

       Anglian Water advised that the proposed new Lincolnshire reservoir was to be constructed near Sleaford.

[6]     Reports from District / County Cllrs.

       There were none.

[7]    Finance.

        a]    To confirm the Lloyds Bank reconciliation.

        JS proposed confirmation of the reconciliation at £14,477.82, seconded by CB and resolved.  The RFO signed the Bank statement.

[8]   Planning matters.

       EC reported that the Council’s response to the revised planning application  S/122/00950/22 had been lodged.


[9]    Parish maintenance.

    a]     Footpath sign.

                   EC agreed to order a new post from Viewtec Signs.

    b]     Beck fence repair/ painting.

                   EKM Ltd to be asked to quote for the work.

    c]     Dog bin.

                   EC to order one from ELDC.

    d]     The PC noted with thanks that the tarmac repair on the Gautby road bridge had been completed by Highways Dept.

    e]         EC advised that he had removed much of the blackthorn on the verge near to West Farm, Minting, making the bend safer.

    f]         The overgrown hedges in Gautby were becoming a nuisance to road users. 

[10]      Any other business, and matters for the next meeting.

            When no other matters were raised , the meeting closed at 7.30pm.