Minutes of the meeting of 12th January 2021

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on 12th January 2021 at 7.00pm. Due to Covid 19 regulations the meeting was held online via ’Google Meet’.

Present:-  Cllr.E.B.Clark – chairman, Cllrs. H.Padfield, J.H.Padfield, W.Hughes, J.Stuchfield and C. Bruntlett.


[1]    Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.

          The Chairman welcomed Councillors to the meeting.  There were no apologies for absence.

[2]     Declarations of interests.

          There were none.  [ Councillors are not required to declare an interest when setting the Parish Precept].

[3]    To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft minutes of the meeting of 1st December 2020.

          Cllr. Bruntlett proposed the adoption of the minutes without amendment.  Cllr. Stuchfield seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed. The Chairman signed the minutes.

[4]     Matters arising from the minutes, and activity since the last meeting.

          The Chairman reported that the development of the new PC website was progressing well, despite initial difficulties.

          Minting Village Hall Committee will discuss the request to re-locate the Minting defibrillator to the Hall, at their February meeting.

          The encrypted Roundcube webmail service has now been terminated.


[5]   Correspondence.

           LALC are organising a survey that will shortly be sent to all councillors.

           The Chairman reported on his communications with Viewtec Signs regarding a replacement for the missing sign at the Hungram Lane junction.

            LALC  has sent out a warning regarding scam texts/e-mails purporting to offer Covid 19 innoculations in exchange for personal information.


[6]    Reports from County / District Councillors.

            District Cllr. Gray sent the latest Government Covid lockdown guidance, which has been put on the parish website. 

           County Cllr. Bradwell had e-mailed to report that the guard rail in front of the phone mast on Silver St. is illegal, and Highways Dept. would take action to instruct the mast erectors to replace it.  Also, the ‘ Community Gang’ could visit the parishes in February if requested, to do light maintenance work.

[7]    To further discuss the matter of a property in Gautby.

         District Cllr. Gray had advised that he would enquire as to what progress had been made by the Planning Enforcement Dept.

[8]    Finance.

          [a]    To agree a draft budget for 2021-2022.

          The Chairman presented some provisional expenditure figures for 2021-22 of £5600.  With administrative costs reduced to nearly zero in the current year, there would be scope for reducing the Precept for the coming year, whilst having adequate revenue for maintenance projects.  After some debate it was agreed to raise the draft expenditure figure to £6000. Cllr. Hughes proposed the adoption of the draft budget, Cllr H.Padfield seconded, and all voted in favour.

            Draft expenditure for the year 2021-22

AED and kiosk electricity                                     £65

Audit                                                                       £75

L.A.L.C.                                                                   £220

Insurance                                                              £400

Grass mowing                                                      £2200

Office expenses                                                   £250

I.C.O.                                                                      £40

Hall hire                                                                 £100

Parish maintenance                                            £2400

Defibrillator maintenance                                 £250



         [b]     To set a Parish Precept for the year 2021-22.

         Cllr. Stuchfield proposed that the Parish Precept for the coming year be set at £6000, equal to the draft expenditure figure. This would be a reduction of £1000 from the current year, approx. 15%.  Cllr. Bruntlett seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed.

         [c]     To agree a Bank reconciliation.

          There being no movement in the Lloyds Bank account since the last meeting, it was decided that there was no need for a reconciliation.

        [d]   To approve payments.

           There were no payments for approval.

[9]   Parish maintenance.

         [a]   Minting churchyard Memorial Gates.

        Two quotations had been received.  B.Knight &Son quoted £2520.00 + VAT, Abbey Joinery quoted & £5350.00 + VAT.  Cllr. Stuchfield proposed that B.Knight & Son be engaged to do the work.  Cllr Bruntlett seconded, and all voted in favour. The Chairman to inform the PCC that the project could now go ahead.


[b]   Gautby noticeboard.

         Cllr. H.Padfield had consulted residents as to the colour and type etc. A dark green, two door aluminium board of similar dimensions to the old one was the preference.  The budget for this item had been decided at the previous meeting.  Cllr J Padfield proposed that the PC proceed with the purchase, seconded by Cllr Hughes and unanimously agreed.

[c]  Repairs to the beck headwall fence and gate, Church Lane, Minting.

        Cllrs. agreed that due to the relatively small nature of the item, EKM Ltd could be asked to effect repairs without the need for prior approval of cost.

[d]   Replacement of missing signpost – Hungram Lane junction.

       The Chairman reported that he had been in contact with Viewtec Signs from Nottingham, but had not yet received a price for a replacement sign.  Cllr Stuchfield proposed that the PC allocate the sum of £250.00 to signpost replacement and repairs. Cllr Hughes seconded, and all voted in favour.

       Cllr Hughes suggested that the ‘Community Gang’ could be asked to clean all the signposts in the two parishes.  Chairman to notify County Cllr. Bradwell.

[10]   Meeting dates for 2021.

     The following dates were proposed for PC meetings in 2021:-

                   Tuesday  23rd March

                   Tuesday 25th May   -  Annual PC meeting

                   Tuesday  27th July

                   Tuesday 28th September

                   Tuesday 23 November

[11]   Matters for next meeting.

           With the current uncertain situation regarding the Covid epidemic, Cllrs would discuss the possibility of holding an Annual Parish Meeting in 2021 at the next PC meeting.   

            The meeting closed at 7.35pm.