Minutes of the meeting of 23 November 2021
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on 23rd of November 2021 at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.
Present :- Cllr. E B Clark [EC] Chairman and acting Clerk, Cllrs. H.Padfield [HP], J.Padfield [JP], J.Stuchfield [JS] and County Cllr. P.Bradwell.
[1] 7.00pm. Chairman’s welcome and Public forum.
No members of the public were present.
7.10pm. Formal Council meeting.
[2] Apologies for absence.
Cllr. C.Bruntlett sent apologies citing work / personal reasons. JS proposed acceptance, seconded by HP and resolved.
[3] Declarations of interests.
EC declared an interest in Item 10, although the item discussed was for information only at this stage.
[4] To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft notes of the extraordinary meeting of 19th October 2021.
No amendments were proposed. JP proposed that the draft notes be adopted as the true and correct minutes of the previous meeting. JS seconded and resolved. The chairman signed the minutes.
[5] Matters arising from the minutes, and activity since the last meeting.
The chairman reported that the Council’s response to planning application S/122/01909/21 had been duly sent to ELDC Planning Dept.
[6] Correspondence.
EC advised that there had been no correspondence of importance.
JP enquired whether there had been any reply from ELDC Planning Dept regarding the Council’s request under the Freedom of Information Act. EC reported that no reply had been received. County Cllr. Bradwell suggested that the PC approach Mr. Ian Carrington for advice.
[7] Finance.
[a] To review the accounts to date, and agree a Bank A/C reconciliation.
Cllrs. studied the accounts to date and compared the figures with the latest Bank statement. HP proposed that the figures agreed, and that the reconciliation be adopted. Seconded by JP and resolved. The RFO signed the statement.
[b] To approve payments :-
1] Information Commissioner’s Office £40.00
2] Mr. I. Jones- kiosk painting £605.83
JS proposed approval, seconded by JP and resolved.
[8] Planning Matters - application S/122/02348/21
Cllrs. briefly discussed this application for an agricultural building at Minting House. It was felt that this was not a controversial matter, and there were no proposals to send a response to Planning Dept.
[9] Reports from District / County Councillors.
County Cllr. Bradwell assured the Council that she was continuing to put pressure on the LCC Highways Dept. to re-surface the road in Silver St, Minting.
Some troublesome potholes at Gautby had been repaired. LCC could assist with keeping storm drain clear.
[10] Broadband. To discuss the possibility of extending broadband coverage in Minting.
EC advised the meeting that a resident had initiated an application to extend fibre broadband cover to the upper Chapel Lane / Lodge Lane area of Minting, that was currently beyond the reach of the existing network. This would be financed through the Gov. Voucher Scheme, which provides a set amount of money per residential property, and per business, towards the cost of installation. In this case, it appeared that the total value of vouchers would cover the cost, due to the proximity of the existing system. EC understood that the PC would be required to endorse and underwrite the scheme, although the chance of the PC itself incuring any financial liability was very remote.
Cllrs. also discussed the lack of broadband in Gautby. County Cllr. Bradwell recommended that the advice of Mr. Steve Brooks of LCC on broadband matters.
[11] Parish maintenance matters.
a] Minting noticeboard.
EC reported that the quoted cost of installation was approx. £450.00. It was agreed that this could be done voluntarily. JS proposed that the PC order a three AI cabinet model from the’ Prestige’ range made by the Parish Notice Board Co. costing approx. £1,800. Seconded by JP and resolved.
b] Minting beck headwall and fence.
The contractor , Ed Morton, had reported difficulty in sourcing a replacement gate. Therefore, no progress had been made.
c] Defibrillator maintenance.
EC reported that he still had not received delivery of the new parts.
d] Gautby VH painting.
The chairman congratulated the hall committee on their work which had greatly improved the appearance of the hall.
e] Gautby kiosk painting and light.
Mr. Jones had completed the painting of the kiosk. The chairman had fitted the new LED light. It was now intended to move the defibrillator to the kiosk.
f] Tree pruning - The Green, Minting.
EC advised that he had checked that the particular trees on the Green were not covered by a TPO, therefore the pruning could be done immediately by voluntary labour.
[12] Any other business.
The date of the next ordinary meeting would be 11th January 2022.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.00pm