Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 14th July 2021


Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on Wednesday the 14th July 2021 at Gautby Village Hall at 7.00pm.

Present :-   Cllr. E.B.Clark  [ EC]  Chairman/acting clerk,  Cllrs. H.Padfield [HP] , J. Padfield [JP], J.Stuchfield [JS] C.Bruntlett [CB] and W Hughes [WH]


[1]   Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.

           There were no apologies.

[2]   Declarations of interests.

           There were none.

[3]   To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 14th July 2021.

         There were no proposals for amendments.  WH proposed adoption of the draft minutes, seconded by CB, and unanimously resolved.  The Chairman signed the minutes as a true and correct record of the previous meeting.

[4]   Planning.

       [a]  To discuss a response to planning application S/122/01374/21 – erection of a house and garage on the site of ‘Brookwood’, Church Lane, Minting.

        Councillors agreed that the development of the site was welcome, as it had been a source of complaints from residents in recent years, due to its dilapidated state.  The proposed design of the house met with approval, councillors feeling that it constituted better use of the site than a bungalow, and for aesthetic reasons.  JS proposed that the Chairman convey the Council’s approval of the application to ELDC Planning Dept, seconded by WH, and unanimously resolved.

     [b]     To discuss a response to planning application S/122/01175/21 – provision of a pergola and a garage extension,  The Cloisters, Grundy’s Lane , Minting.

           Councillors considered that the application was of minor visual impact on the area. Several neighbours had written in support.  CB proposed a neutral response - that the Council raises no objection to the proposals.  JS seconded the motion and it was unanimously resolved.  The Chairman agreed to convey the opinion of the Council to ELDC.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.20 pm.