Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 8th June 2021

Minutes of the Extra-ordinary Meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on Tuesday the 8th of June at 7.00pm at Gautby Village Hall. Due to Covid 19 regulations, the meeting was restricted to the six standing parish councillors only.

Present:-  Cllr. E.B.Clark [EC] – Chairman/acting Clerk, Cllrs H.Padfield [HP], J.Padfield [JP], J.Stuchfield [JS], C.Bruntlett [CB] and W.Hughes [WH].


[1]  Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence.

                                                                 There were no apologies for absence.

[2]  Declarations of interests.              There were none.

[3]  To confirm or amend, and sign, the draft notes of the Annual PC meeting of 25th May 2021.

        There no proposals for amendment.  WH proposed adoption of the draft notes, seconded by JP and unanimously resolved.  The Chairman then signed the minutes as a true and correct record of the meeting of 25th May 2021.

[4]   Matters arising from the minutes, and activity since the last meeting.

       The Chairman noted that the property in Minting that had been the subject of complaints, had been condemned as unfit for habitation by ELDC following a further complaint by a resident, and the occupant re-housed after much persuasion.  WH reported that the complainant had been critical of the PC as ineffectual, compared to the success of their own efforts.  EC noted that it was a fallacy that a property condemned for habitation was always subject to a demolition order.   Where, as in this case, a title holder is deceased, the District Council cannot act until there is a living owner.   The property in question may stand derelict for years.   The resident’s complaint merely resulted in the eviction of the occupant, but would not solve their main complaint – the physical condition of the bungalow. 

The Minting Classic Motor Show committee had given notice that their event would not be held in 2021.

Chairman reported that every member of the Minting Village Hall Committee was opposed to re-locating the defibrillator to the front of the hall, but the offer to provide a place by the side door was still valid.  Councillors resolved to make a final decision at the next ordinary PC meeting.

[5]  Correspondence.

       The organiser of the ‘Beyond the Woods’ festival at Sturton had requested some publicity in the parish website.

      Bardney PC  sent information regarding a disorganised air-gun range on Bardney airfield.

       Cam & Co had confirmed the 2021 insurance renewal.

[6]    Finance.             Approval of payment to D.Horsley of £54.95.                           Proposed by CB, seconded by HP and unanimously resolved.

[7]   Planning.        To respond to planning application  S/057/01007/21.

Councillors were united in opposition to the application to obtain retrospective permission to turn heaps of builder’s waste into ‘soil bunds’.  Neighbours had suffered distress and nuisance over the dumping of the waste material, which councillors considered to be of dubious legality.  To grant permission would effectively give the green light to what would become a landfill site. JS proposed the council’s opposition to the application, seconded by WH, and unanimously resolved.      EC to put councillors thought into words, and circulate the letter for approval before sending to ELDC Planning Dept.  

The meeting closed at 8.10pm.