Minutes of meeting of 18th January 2019
Minutes of the Meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on
Friday 18th January 2019 at
Minting Village Hall at 7.30pm
Present – Councillors J Heselwood, (Chair), J Stuchfield, E Clark, H Padfield and V Brown.
Chair’s remarks and welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Public Forum- 6 residents in attendance
A resident reported their support of the planning application to be discussed as agenda item 6 (Church Farm) as the direct neighbours of the property to be developed
Another resident reported their support of the planning application (Church Farm)
A resident reported there were differing views at the Gautby Village Hall meeting on
17th January. The resident was not in support of the proposal to place a portable
building in place of the village hall, but could not speak on behalf of others. The resident felt it was important that the land is used and benefits the people of Gautby.
It was confirmed that another meeting is to be arranged to discuss the plans further.
A resident suggested that Sunday afternoons would be a better time to hold the meeting to encourage residents to attend.
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Vote to accept. (1819/001)
Councillors E Brown and G Keys sent their apologies due to work commitments. It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and agreed by all to accept these reasons for absence.
2. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011 (1819/002)
Cllr Heselwood declared an interest in agenda item 10(a) and shall abstain from voting. Cllr
V Brown declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 10(g) and shall abstain from voting.
3. Declaration of Personal Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011 (1819/003)
Cllrs Heselwood and V Brown declared a personal interest in agenda items 9 and 10 (a) as they
are both on the committee for Gautby Village Hall (GVH).
4. To confirm or amend and sign the minutes of the extra-ordinary meeting held on
December 17th, 2018 (1819/004)
It was proposed by Cllr Brown, seconded by Cllr E Clark and agreed by all who were in
attendance to accept the draft minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting of
December 17th, 2018 and the Chair then duly signed them accordingly. Cllr H Padfield
abstained from voting due to not being in attendance at the previous meeting
5. To Receive Reports from District and County Councillors and Police (1819/005)
Apologies received from ELDC Cllr Gray & LCC Cllr Bradwell & the Police.
6. To consider planning application 057/02292/18 Planning Permission – Extensions and
Alterations (1819/006)
It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and unanimously resolved to suspend standing orders and close the meeting at 7.54pm to temporarily to address the public.
The applicant reported that there had been a vast amount of consultation with ELDC to develop the proposed design to suit the area. Historic England, LCC & ELDC Planning Officer are fully in support of the application. A condition has been placed on the application- to keep the existing farmhouse and the building to the left. The applicants are hoping to start the building work in the Spring.
It was unanimously resolved to re-open the meeting at 7.59pm
It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and unanimously resolved that the Council are in full support of the application.
Action - Clerk & Chairman to write to ELDC in support of the application by January 30th
7. To Note the request for Planning Permission – Erection of a summer house building to be used as a home office OLD HALL STABLES, TODDS LANE, GAUTBY, MARKET RASEN, LN8 5JP Ref. No: S/057/02276/18 (1819/007)
The request for planning permission was noted. The Council received notice of withdrawal on
January 18th 2019.
8. To Note the request for Listed Building Consent – Erection of a summer house building to be used as a home office OLD HALL STABLES, TODDS LANE, GAUTBY, MARKET RASEN, LN8 5JP Ref. No: S/057/02277/18 (1819/008)
The request for listed building consent was noted. The Council received notice of withdrawal on January 18th 2019
9. Receive Update on outcome of Gautby Village Hall Meeting held on January 17th 2019 and to decide if any action required. (1819/009)
Cllr Heselwood reported that the meeting was well attended by residents which demonstrates interest. It was a general consensus that the residents do not want a portable building, however, they wanted time to consider options. Cllr Heselwood read out information from Legal Topic Note 9 from LALC regarding a Parish Council’s role as sole trustee. Cllr Heselwood made a proposal to the Council regarding the limited potential
financial support and fundraising should Gautby Residents decide that they would like Minting and Gautby Parish Council (MGPC) become sole trustees of GVH. In 2018/19 M&GPC paid
£102 for the use of GVH. Cllr Heselwood requested a show of hands as an expression of interest as to whether the Council would consider this plan should the residents wish to go ahead. It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and resolved by majority that the Parish Council shall put forward as an option to the residents of Gautby that the Parish Council become sole trustees of GVH and support its sustainability if correct conditions are met such as ring-fenced funds from GVH’s account for future demolition. Cllr Padfield abstained from voting until plans are put forward by Gautby residents.
8:18pm- all residents left the meeting
10. Financial Matters
a. To approve payments to be made by the Parish Council (see separate list) (1819/010)
18/01/2019 2018/19 DomainName DomainName 989668423 v51 811 Unlimited £0.00 £39.47 £6.58 £32.89 £39.47
18/01/2019 2018/19 audit audit v52 812 £55.85 £0.00 £55.85 £55.85
18/01/2019 2018/19 GrassCutting grass v53 £140.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
18/01/2019 2018/19 Ink stationery 973445102 v54 813 42817 £67.30 £11.22 £56.08 £67.30
18/01/2019 2018/19 GVHHallHireApril2018 hallhire v55 814 002/2019 £8.00 £0.00 £8.00 £8.00
18/01/2019 2018/19 GVHBalanceDocumentStorage storage v56 815 001/2019 £24.00 £0.00 £24.00 £24.00
18/01/2019 2018/19 ParishClerkMileage mileage v57 816 001/18 £45.00 £0.00 £45.00 £45.00
18/01/2019 2018/19 Salary salary v58 816 £209.46 £0.00 £209.46 £209.46
18/01/2019 2018/19 PAYE PAYE/HMRC v59 817 £52.20 £0.00 £52.20 £52.20
The bank reconciliation was checked and it was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and unanimously resolved to approve the bank reconciliation and payments for approval.
Cllr Heselwood abstained from voting due to a pecuniary interest.
b. Approve the revised Financial Regulations dated Jan 18th 2019 (1819/011)
It was proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to approve the amendments to the Financial Regulations.
c. Approve Updated Asset Register (1819/012)
It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Clark and unanimously resolved to approve the updated asset register.
List of assets – 2018-2019 |
Item |
Insurance Type |
Worth |
Location |
Emergency Plan Cooker sited at MVH |
General Contents |
£ 500.00 |
4 gas bottle safety cage |
General Contents |
£ 302.00 |
2 set display boards |
General Contents |
£ 774.00 |
£1,576 |
Seagate External Drive NA8F5MNP |
Office Contents |
£ 64.99 |
Chair's Residence |
1 Brother A3 printer MFC – J6710dW (Chair’s residence) E68044m2f149493 |
Office Contents |
£ 215.00 |
Chair's Residence |
1 Medion Akoya Laptop (Chair’s Residence) |
Office Contents |
£ 479.00 |
Chair's Residence |
1 laptop bag - Clerk |
Office Contents |
£ 11.00 |
Clerk |
Lenovo Laptop (Clerk) SN: PF-11RYDQ 17/12 |
Office Contents |
£ 524.09 |
Clerk |
Printer (Clerk) DCP J4120DW SN: E73178K7F113563 |
Office Contents |
£ 66.66 |
Clerk |
£ 1,360.74 |
1 wooden seat on Minting Village Green |
Street Furniture |
£ 340.00 |
The Green |
1 wooden notice board - Minting |
Street Furniture |
£ 228.00 |
The Green |
1 wooden notice board - Gautby |
Street Furniture |
£ 215.00 |
2 Rednall benches in play area |
Street Furniture |
£ 394.00 |
The Playing Field |
1 litter bin in play area |
Street Furniture |
£ 308.00 |
The Playing Field |
1 dog waste bin |
Street Furniture |
£ 96.00 |
Church Lane |
BT box – adopted 2009 |
Street Furniture |
£ 1.00 |
Gautby |
BT Box Renovated 2012 |
Street Furniture |
£ 1,217.00 |
Gautby |
2 x AED’s (1 each in Minting & Gautby) |
Street Furniture |
£ 1,560.00 |
GVH and Cornerways, Minting |
2 x AED cabinets (1 each in Minting & Gautby) |
Street Furniture |
£ 635.00 |
GVH and Cornerways, Minting |
2 X sand bins (1 each for Minting and Gautby) |
Street Furniture |
£ 325.00 |
GVH and Church Lane, Minting |
Interpretation board and stone plinth |
Street Furniture |
£ 1,561.00 |
Junction of Grundy's Lane and Church Lane, Minting |
Village sign - Gautby |
Street Furniture |
£ 2,608.00 |
Opposite Church on Maind Road |
Village sign - Minting |
Street Furniture |
£ 2,608.00 |
Junction of Grundy's Lane and Church Lane, Minting |
£12,096.00 |
Compact track playground equipment |
Play Equipment |
£ 2,740.00 |
The Playing Field |
£2,740.00 |
1 Dell computer and Brother printer (recycled July 2017) |
Disposed of |
Minting Green |
Grassy patch |
£ - |
Adjacent to The Green, Minting |
Play area land (no Commercial Value) |
£ 1.00 |
Adjacent MVH |
Total |
£ 17,773.74 |
d. To consider and approve the quote received for Grass Cutting for 2019/2020 (1819/013)
It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and unanimously resolved
to accept the quote received for grass cutting in financial year 2019/20.
Action - Clerk and Chair to write to quote provider and confirm a continuation of services
in the next financial year.
e. Discuss the Internal Auditor’s Report From Dec 2018 as a Review of the effectiveness of our system of internal control which is in accordance with proper practices. (1819/014) The Internal Audit report highlighted that the website was not clear in showing upcoming meeting dates and this has been amended this accordingly. Cllr Padfield reported that the agenda for this meeting had not been on the website, however the Clerk showed him on the laptop where the section was on the webpage which included the agenda for this meeting. The Internal Audit report showed effective, proper practices were being undertaken by the Council and did not highlight any concerns or amendments to be made to the financial practices of the Council.
Action - Clerk and Chair to write to the internal auditor to thank them.
f. To receive an update on the online VAT claim changes and potential additional costs
Making Tax Digital comes into effect in 2019/20. More information will be sent out by LALC once it is received, however, it is expected that Parish Councils will have to purchase Accounting Software in order to conform.
g. Agree Electricity reimbursement for AED’s for FY 2018-19 (1819/016)
It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Clark and unanimously resolved to keep the electricity reimbursements the same for 2019/20. Cllr V Brown abstained from voting.
h. Review insurance cover (1819/017)
It was proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to defer this item until the March meeting of the Parish Council.
i. To Agree Budget and Precept request for 2019/2010 for submission to ELDC (1819/018)
It was proposed by Cllr Clark, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to accept the precept proposal including an increase of 3.59% for 2019/20.
j. Appoint an Internal Auditor for year-end (1819/019)
It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V Brown and unanimously resolved to re-appoint the same internal auditor for 2019/20.
k. Confirm HMRC situation with new employee (1819/020)
It was noted that the new employee has been set up on the HMRC system and the first payment has been submitted
l. To approve letter to Lloyds TSB removing former Councillors as signatories and considering whether to add one more signatory with less than 4 months until the election (1819/021)
It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Clark and unanimously resolved to approve the letter to be sent to Lloyds TSB removing former signatories and to wait until after the elections in May to add new signatories to the account.
11. To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and not on the agenda (1819/022)
- The grit bins in both villages need to be checked to see if they need refilling.
- Email received from LALC regarding Buckingham Palace visit for long standing Councillors. The Council wish to nominate former Cllr Bell in recognition of her time spend serving MGPC.
- The training schedule from LALC was disseminated for Cllrs to consider which training they would like to attend.
- (As stated in the approved Co-option procedure, the training of Councillors is becoming an important part of the commitment, and successful applicants would be expected to take advantage of relevant training available.)
12. To consider for approval the amendments to the Internal Communication Policy
It was proposed by Cllr Padfield, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to
accept the amendments to the Internal Communication Policy.
Cllr Padfield reported that he cannot guarantee that his personal email account is secure, therefore, as stated within the newly-approved policy, no confidential information should be sent to him via email, only information which is in the public domain should be sent.
13. Annual Parish Meeting
a. Agree a date of Friday May 10th 2019 for Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of
the Parish Council (1819/024)
It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and unanimously resolved to
approve the date for the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish
b. Agree topic and get a speaker for the Annual Parish Meeting (1819/025)
Following a discussion it was unanimously resolved to request Anglian Water Group to
attend the annual Parish meeting.
14. Newsletter – agree that Cllrs V Brown and Heselwood may produce a newsletter in
February with following topics to be included: The Elections and how to stand for election
Upcoming events; Jumble Sale, Rural Touring, APM, Quiz, Meet & Munch, events at
Minting Village Hall and the pub (1819/026)
It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and unanimously resolved
that Cllrs Heselwood & V Brown produce a newsletter including the agreed topics
15. To agree date and propose agenda items for the next meeting on Friday March 22nd
2019 in Minting Village Hall at 7.30pm (1819/027)
Future agenda items:
- Residents’ complaints to Councillors regarding fencing on the grass verge on Pinfold Lane, Minting
- Gautby Village Hall
- Highways & Broadband updates to go on future agendas as standard items
- Review Insurance
16. Correspondence as per separate list (1819/028)
The correspondence received was noted by all.
Timetable for Elections 2019 from NALC
Planning Application Church Farm Date
UNLIMITED WEB HOSTING- Confirmation that encryption certificates have been renewed for mintingandgautbyparishcouncil.co.uk and webmail (email)
ICO- request for information concerning VAT claims (email) 02/01/19
Information to LCC RE missing signposts in Gautby (email) 03/01/19
CONTRACTOR – grass cutting quote (email) 04/01/19
Information to LCC- potholes various
WESTERN POWER – invitation to WPD annual stakeholder meeting (email) 07/01/19
LALC – training schedule 2019 (email) 07/01/19
LALC – LALC News Edition 167 (email) 07/01/19
ELDC CLLR GRAY – Apologies RE attending Friday night meetings (email) 07/01/19
PCSO WASS – Apologies for January meeting (email) 08/01/19
ELDC CLLR BRADWELL – Apologies for January meeting (email) 08/01/19
Internal Auditors Report (email) 09/01/19
LALC – Buckingham Palace Visit Nominations (email) 09/01/19
CAME & COMPANY – taken over Stackhouse Poland Group 18/01/19
ELDC PLANNING – Case s/057/02277/18 – planning application withdrawn
ELDC PLANNING – Case s/057/02276/18 – planning application withdrawn
17. The meeting closed at 9.20pm (1819/029)