Minutes of extraordinary meeting of 6th August 2019


   Minutes of the Extra-ordinary meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council

held on Tuesday 6th August at 7.15pm at Minting Village Hall


Present:  Councillor E.B.Clark, Chairman, Councillors J. Stuchfield, H.Padfield and J.H.Padfield.    Also in attendance:  District Councillor W.Gray, and three members of the public.


[1]   Apologies for absence and declarations of interests.

       There were no apologies.   Cllrs. H.Padfield and J.H.Padfield declared a personal interest in Item 2 , but the Chairman ruled that their declarations be lifted to avoid the Council becoming inquorate, and because their contribution was vital to the discussion in the following closed session.

[2]    To move to closed session to discuss a matter concerning a former Clerk.

        Councillors studied in detail concerns raised by a former Clerk. It was agreed that the Chairman write to the person concerned with a full review of matters raised, in accordance with the Council’s Personnel Policy.

        A detailed minute of the session would be retained in the Council’s confidential files.

[3]     Chairman’s welcome and public forum.

           Concerns were raised that the proposed erection of two bungalows on the greenfield site in Church Lane, Minting would set a precedent for further development on the field.

[4]    To confirm or amend, and sign, the draft minutes of the meeting of 13th June 2019

         Cllr. Stuchfield proposed that the draft minutes be accepted and signed without amendment. Cllr. H.Padfield seconded the motion, which was then unanimously agreed.

[5]     Matters arising from the minutes.                  The Chairman reported that he now had the Gautby defibrillator code, which would be retained in a password protected file.  The Council has received notification from ELDC that it can now co-opt two additional members to replace the recent resignations.


[6]    Correspondence, and to consider a contribution to the Wainfleet Flood Relief Fund.

         The Chairman advised that he had written to the ex Chair and ex Vice-Chair to express the members’ gratitude for their work and commitment to the Parish Council over a number of years.

         The Council had received a ‘round Robin’ request for a contribution to the Wainfleet Flood Relief Fund.   Cllr. Stuchfield commented that the Council had a long standing policy to avoid direct giving to charities, on the grounds that charitable giving is a personal and subjective choice for the individual, and not a suitable use for public money.  As there were no proposals in favour, the request was declined.

[7]    To confirm payments, and to confirm the signatories for the Lloyds Bank account.

         Three payments were presented for approval:-

         [1]   £91.01 PAYE tax credit due to a former Clerk

          [2]   £72.00 to Minting Village Hall – hall hire.

          [3]   £80 to IT Rescue – technology support.

          Cllr. Stuchfield proposed, and Cllr J.H.Padfield seconded approval for payment, and it was agreed unanimously.       The Chairman noted that the Mandate of Variation to change the signatories on the Lloyds Bank account had been submitted after some delays, but it was not yet finalised.   He asked for confirmation that the two new signatories will be Cllrs. Stuchfield and Clark, and that the three existing signatories be removed.   Cllr. J.H.Padfield proposed ,seconded by Cllr.H.Padfield and agreed unanimously.

[8]  Reports from District and County Councillors.

        District Councillor William Gray reported that  ELDC had sent out Electoral Roll enquiries to every household, and urged residents to respond without delay. The administration of social housing has been taken back ‘in house’ from Waterloo Housing Group, which he believed would improve the allocation of social housing.  Louth Churches for Refugees have permission to apply for a grant from the Home Office to house a small number of refugees in the area.  He advised all councillors and residents to sign up to receive the ELDC e-newsletter.

[9]   To consider, and vote on co-options to the Council.                                                            

Two candidates for co-option to the council were present, Mrs Wendy Hughes and Mr Chris Bruntlett.  The Chairman invited them both to address the meeting to explain their interest in parish affairs, and what talents they could bring to the Council. 

                 Two candidates for co-option to the Council were present, Mrs Wendy Hughes, and Mrs Hughes spoke of her experience of council work, in a range of roles, her empathy with people, and her wide and regular contact with residents through her family’s business, the Sebastapol.

        Mr Bruntlett referred to his lifelong residency in Minting, his ability to engage with the younger generation of residents and his wide experience of engaging with the public through his occupation of garden maintenance.

        The Chairman asked for proposals.  Cllr. Stuchfield proposed that Mrs Hughes be co-opted to the Council for Minting ward.  Cllr. H.Padfield seconded the motion, which was then agreed unanimously.

       Cllr.J.H.Padfield proposed that Mr Bruntlett be co-opted to the Council for Minting ward.  Cllr. Stuchfield seconded, and the motion was agreed unanimously.

       Both new members signed Acceptance of Office forms, and were welcomed to the Council by the Chairman, with the comment that the Council would now be in a much stronger position, and more representative of the residents of the parish.

[10]    To agree on a response to planning application S/122/01067/19

            Cllr. Hughes reported that a resident of Silver Street had verbally objected to the application on the grounds of loss of visual amenity.   Cllr. Stuchfield took the view that it was ‘ better the devil you know’, and that two more bungalows in Church Lane would not be a seriously detrimental development.   Concerns about the future possible development of the rest of the field were voiced by several Councillors.  The Chairman commented that the Council had not received any written objections, and the residents that he had spoken to did not object to the proposed plan.

          With no motion proposed to object to the application, the Council agreed to adopt the position of ‘cautious agreement’.

          The Chairman agreed to report the Council’s view to the Planning Dept. at ELDC.

[11]   To consider granting to the Chairman the delegated authority to advertise the post of Parish Clerk.

         The Chairman apologised for the wording of this item, as the Council is legally unable to delegate decision making to one individual.   He made the point that the late summer is a quiet time for the Council, with not much work for a Clerk to do. Appointing a Clerk is a major commitment for a small PC, taking a large slice of the annual budget. . The Council needs to look at different ways of obtaining clerical support as and when necessary.  He suggested that the matter be deferred for further consideration at the October meeting.

[12]   To make decisions on Gautby phone box and notice board repairs, and also the fence over the beck in Grundy’s Lane, Minting.

           The Council discussed as to whether the Gautby phonebox was being used sufficiently to justify the substantial cost of renovation. Cllr. H.Padfield asked if the Council was paying a ground rent for it. The Chairman agreed to check this in the accounts.  The question of possibly moving the kiosk to the village hall was raised.  It was agreed to obtain the opinion of Gautby Village Hall committee before making a decision.

         The Council agreed to proceed with the repairs to Gautby notice board as soon as Mr Bob Treacher, who had offered to do the work is, able to start work.  A cost of £100 was allocated, proposed by Cllr. Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr. Hughes and agreed by all.

The Chairman agreed to obtain estimates for the repair of the beck fence in Grundys Lane, Minting.

[13]    To agree future meeting dates.

           Following Cllr. H Padfield’s suggestion at the previous meeting that PC meetings be held on Tuesdays if possible, the Chairman suggested the following dates:

           October 1st 2019

           November 26th 2019

           January 21st 2020

           March 24th 2020

These dates were proposed by Cllr. Bruntlett, seconded by Cllr. Stuchfield and agreed by all.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.35pm.