Minutes of meeting of 1st October 2019
Minutes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council
held on Tuesday 1st October 2019 at 7.30pm at Minting Village Hall
Present:- Councillor E.B.Clark, Chairman, Councillors J.Stuchfield, H.Padfield, J.H.Padfield and C.Bruntlett. In attendance: County Councillor P.Bradwell and six members of the public.
[1] Chairman’s welcome.
The Chairman welcomed County Councillor Bradwell and members of the public to the meeting
[2] Apologies for absence and declarations of interest.
Apologies were received from Cllr. W.Hughes, citing family commitments. Cllr. H.Padfield proposed that Cllr. Hughes reasons for absence be accepted, seconded by Cllr. J.Padfield and unanimously agreed. There were no declarations of personal or pecuniary interest.
[3] Public forum.
Members of the public present made an eloquent case for the retention and refurbishment of Gautby telephone kiosk. The traditional kiosk was a highly regarded feature of English villages, being both a landmark and a practical asset with potential future uses for the community. The point was made that, apart from grass cutting, very little of the Parish Council’s budget had been spent in Gautby recently, so it was hoped that the cost of the kiosk refurbishment could be met.
The Chairman apologised for a typing error in the 6th August minutes, that had given the impression that the Council was considering scrapping the kiosk, but that this had had the effect of bringing out public opinion on the matter, which was very welcome. He thanked members of the public for their contribution.
[4] To confirm or amend the draft minutes of the meeting of 6th August.
The Chairman requested an amendment to Item 12, which should be altered to ‘The question of possibly moving the kiosk to the village hall was raised’. No other amendments were requested, and Cllr.Bruntlett proposed the adoption of the amended minutes. Cllr.Stuchfield seconded the motion, and it was unanimously agreed.
[5] Matters arising from the minutes.
Item 2. Closed session. The Chairman reported that he had completed his review, and had written a detailed letter to the person concerned. It appeared that this had been accepted, and he now considered the matter closed.
Item 10. Planning application S/122/01067/19 The application had been refused, as it did not meet the requirements of the East Lindsey Local Plan
Item 12. Parish maintenance. One quote for the repair of the beck fence in Minting had been received to date.
[6] Finance
Delays and complications meant that the transfer of signatories on the Lloyds Bank account was still not complete.
Payment due :- £40.00 to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Payment was proposed by Cllr. Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr.J.Padfield and unanimously agreed.
[7] Reports from District and County Councillors.
County Councillor P. Bradwell reported that a new Highways Officer had been appointed, and she would be showing him round her district in due course, when councillors would have the opportunity to meet him.
New fire appliances are being introduced to Lincolnshire Fire Stations.
[8] Proposed felling of dangerous trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order.
Councillors felt that they were not in a position to comment on the safety or otherwise of the trees in question, and so declined to comment on the application.
[9] To agree a response to planning application S/122/01732/19.
Cllr. Stuchfield commented that the proposal would involve negligible impact on both visual amenity and traffic flow to the property concerned, and he proposed that
the Council support the application. Cllr. Bruntlett seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed
[10] To further consider the maintenance and use of Gautby telephone kiosk.
The Chairman confirmed that the only ongoing cost of the kiosk was £44 per year for electricity. Councillors agreed that representations to the Council both prior to the meeting, and during the Public Forum, demonstrated that there was a strong feeling in the parish in favour of maintaining the kiosk for community use.
Councillors agreed that the kiosk needed to be better used in future. Possible uses include locating the defrillator in it, information boards, a book swap etc.
Cllr.H Padfield proposed that the most competitive quote for painting and repair of the kiosk be accepted. Cllr. Bruntlett seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed. The Chairman commented that the cost would be met by the drastic savings now being made in the Council’s administration and clerical costs, and that other parish infrastructure projects could be considered in the near future.
[11] To agree action on a number of Parish maintenance matters.
[a[ Tree pruning on the Green, Minting. Cllr Bruntlett volunteered to do the work. Chairman to check on TPO status of the trees. Risk assessment to be done.
[b] Defective signposts. To be reported to Fix My Street.
[c] Excess vegetation on Cow Lane verge creating a blind spot. Chairman to liase with the adjacent property owner, and organise voluntary action to clear the overgrown vegetation during the winter.
[d] Sewage pollution in Minting playing field ditch. Chairman to write to nearby property owners regarding action to be taken concerning septic tank discharges.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30pm.