Minutes of meeting of 22nd March 2019
Minutes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council
held on Friday 22nd March 2019 at 7.30pm at Minting Village Hall
Present: Councillors J Heselwood, (Chair), E Clark, H Padfield and V Brown.
Clerk: A. B.
District, County, Police Representatives: ELDC Councillor W. Gray.
Public: No members of public were present.
Chairman’s remarks - Welcome
- Apologies for absence and reasons given. Vote to accept. (1819/030)
Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Cllrs E. Brown & J. Stutchfield – it was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown and unanimously resolved to accept reasons for absence.
Councillor G. Keys did not attend the meeting, apologies and reasons for absence were not received.
- Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011 (1819/031)
Cllr Heselwood declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 12(a) due to the reimbursement of expenses.
- Declaration of Personal Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011 (1819/032)
Cllr V. Brown declared a personal interest in agenda item 12(a) as a payment is due to be made to Minting Village Hall.
- To confirm or amend and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Jan 25th, 2019 (1819/033)
It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Clark and unanimously resolved to accept the draft notes and approve them as a true record of the meeting held on January 25th, 2019. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
- To receive reports from District and County Councillors and Police (if available) (1819/034)
Cllr W. Gray reported that it is an extremely busy time for ELDC with elections coming up.
ELDC’s budget for 2019/20 has been agreed, including where money will be spent on infrastructure including £5m on a leisure centre in Mablethorpe, via Magna Vitae.
ELDC business awards are happening again this year.
East Lindsey e-messenger is an extremely valuable resource which Cllr Gray encourages all local residents to sign up for via the ELDC website.
There is now an electric car charging point in Woodhall Spa.
ELDC have a new Chief Executive- Rob Barlow.
ELDC’s carbon management policy is currently being developed.
- Matters for discussion and resolution regarding highways issues, broadband issues and playing field issues:
- Receive report from Playing Field Warden (1819/035)
Cllr V. Brown reported that a summary of the report had been sent to the Clerk. There is occasionally litter found in the area but no other issues to report.
- Resident’s correspondence re pothole and car damage (1819/036)
Cllr Heselwood reported on correspondence received from a resident reporting a severe pothole in the area and damaged caused to their vehicle. Cllr Heselwood has responded to the correspondence to inform the resident how this can be reported to the highways department & compensation can be claimed. Cllr Heselwood has requested further details regarding the location from the resident to allow the pothole to be reported by the Parish Council also, however this has not yet been received.
- Bardney Bridge road closure (1819/037)
All Councillors are aware that there will be a road closure at Bardney Bridge. Notices have been put on the parish noticeboards and shared on the local Facebook page to ensure residents are aware. Cllr Padfield reported that there may be some relief on business rates due to the length of time the road shall be closed.
- To discuss and take action on any Highways’ matters raised by Councillors or residents which may impact on Health and Safety (1819/038)
Cllr V. Brown reported that the pothole on Silver Street, Minting is getting big and is now a few inches deep and has agreed to send a photo through to the Chairman & Clerk to enable it to be reported to highways.
- To note that the broken wooden bridge fencing near to Cornerways in Minting has been reported to Third Witham D.B. who passed it on to Highways who have asked for it to be repaired but declared it as low priority due to lack of traffic in the area (1819/039)
- Receive Update on outcome of Gautby Village Hall Meeting held on Sunday February 10th, 2019 (1819/040)
Cllr Heselwood reported that a new committee for Gautby Village Hall has now been formed and the members are hoping to tidy up the hall and hire it out.
To discuss and agree response regarding mobile broadband/smart meter mast pre-planning consultation from Clarke Telecom (consultation documents are on www.mintingandgautby.co.uk home page) (1819/041)
Cllr Heselwood went through the information and documents received with the Councillors and the email with further details that had been received subsequently was shared with all. The information has been shared on the Parish Council’s noticeboards.
ELDC Cllr Gray reported that he has passed in onto ELDC planning also and highlighted the importance of making residents aware by sharing widely.
Action: Chairman/Clerk to query: how to make it blend into the rural location it is being placed in (e.g. green at the bottom like the wind turbines); and if it will improve mobile network coverage for all providers.
- To acknowledge the correspondence with East Midlands Ambulance Service regarding AED codes (1819/042)
Noted- the Parish Council is awaiting further correspondence following the investigation which is being undertaken by EMAS.
The AED’s in both Minting and Gautby are beginning to show rust on the boxes.
Action: report the rusting to both the supplier and EMAS.
- To approve purchasing replacement parts for the AED’s in Minting & Gautby via the manufacturer (1819/043)
The pads and batteries in both AED’s are due to be replaced. It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Heselwood & unanimously resolved to approve the replacement parts purchase via the supplier.
- To consider entering this year’s Best Kept Village competition (1819/044)
There is a £20 cost to entering the Best Kept Village competition. It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown and unanimously resolved to enter the competition again this year.
- Financial Matters
- To approve payments to be made by the Parish Council (see separate list) (1819/045)
Voucher payment 68- Cllr V. Brown abstained from voting. It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr Clark and unanimously resolved to approve the payment.
Voucher payment 63- Cllr Heselwood abstained from voting. It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Clark and unanimously resolved to approve the payment.
All remaining payments for approval were proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Clark and unanimously resolved.
- To note the spend to date against the budget (1819/046)
Cllr Heselwood highlighted to all Councillors there is an overspend of £373.73 against the initial proposed budget for 2018/19. The information was noted.
- To note the review of the insurance cover has been deferred to the May meeting when the up-to-date insurance renewal quote will have been received (1819/047)
- Provide Councillors with a copy of the approved budget for 2019/20 (1819/048)
It was noted that the budget proposal for 2019/20 was approved by full council at the last meeting, and details of which are included in the minutes of the meeting held January 25th, 2019.
- To approve purchasing a movement-activated solar light for above the AED at Gautby Village Hall at a maximum cost of £25.00 each + delivery charges (1819/049)
It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Heselwood and unanimously resolved to approve the purchase at a maximum cost of £25.00 plus delivery.
- To note the response received from the ICO following FOI request regarding VAT REF FS50760393 (1819/050)
The response received was noted.
- To consider for approval the amendments to the following policies and procedures
- Internal Auditor Letter of Engagement and Confidentiality Agreement (1819/051)
It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & resolved by majority to accept the amendments. Cllr Padfield abstained from voting, due to initially not being able to read the document on the projector screen. When the amendments were read out by Cllr Heselwood, Cllr Padfield was unable to remember what was on the document he had received via email prior to the meeting and did not wish to vote as he was unsure whether there had been any changes since the document was emailed to him. The Chairman assured him that what had been sent out to the council to review prior to the meeting remained unchanged.
Note from Clerk: Councillors to ensure they have read the documents which they have received prior to meetings, and if they feel they may not be able to remember the details of said documents, they are advised to bring a copy to the meeting. This will enable Councillors to participate in the vote, should they be unable to read the documents shown on the projector during the meeting.
- Guide to FOI charges and information (1819/052)
It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
- Co-option Procedure (1819/053)
It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
ELDC Cllr Gray commented on how well Minting and Gautby Parish Council are complying with legislation and best practice guidance by encouraging all policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated and by ensuring all Councillors use a Council-specific email addresses, as many other Councils in the District are still not doing this.
- Risk Assessment (1819/054)
It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Clark & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
- Social Media Policy (1819/055)
It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
- Travel Expenses Claim Policy (1819/056)
It was proposed by Cllr Clark, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
- Vexatious Complaint Policy (1819/057)
It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Padfield & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments. - Clerk’s Travel Expenses Claim Form (1819/058)
It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Clark & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
- Records Retention Policy (1819/059)
It was proposed by Cllr V. Brown, seconded by Cllr Heselwood & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
- Communications Strategy (1819/060)
It was proposed by Cllr Clark, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & unanimously resolved to accept the amendments.
- To discuss the upcoming election arrangements and receive feedback from Councillors who attended any of the ELDC elections briefing (1819/061)
Cllr Padfield attended one of these events and reported to Council that it was a good meeting however, had no additional documentation or information to share from that already received from ELDC. ELDC Cllr Gray reported that the briefings were very well attended and included a full presentation by the Chief Executive and Senior Officers and attended by the Elections Officer & Deputy. Sample documents were shared with attendees including do’s & don’ts of elections.
- Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of Parish Council
- To discuss and agree potential strategies for community involvement in MGPC’s focus on our environment as part of their contribution to Climate Change mitigation, including possibly holding 2 separate meetings. (1819/062)
Due to knowing that there may be limited attendance by residents if the Annual Parish Meeting is held on a Friday night (due to choir practice and events being held at the pub), it was proposed by Cllr Heselwood to amend the date of the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Tuesday 7th May. It was seconded by Cllr V. Brown and unanimously resolved to amend the date.
Cllr Heselwood informed the Council that both Anglian Water & Woodland Trust have agreed to attend and deliver a short session to residents regarding climate change and what can be done in the area to support this vision. Free trees will be provided to all residents in attendance which the Heritage Society has agreed to pay for.
9.27pm: following a vote it was unanimously resolved to suspend standing orders and continue with the meeting.
- To discuss and agree potential strategies for community involvement in MGPC’s focus on our environment as part of their contribution to Climate Change mitigation, including possibly holding 2 separate meetings. (1819/062)
- Finalise the details for the Annual Parish Meeting on 10th May 2019 and agree publicity materials, including newsletter. (1819/063)
Cllr Heselwood shared with the Councillors a proposed flyer for the event which has been designed. Following a discussion, it was agreed to set up an Annual Parish Meeting (APM) Working Party to organise and advertise the event. Following a vote, it was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & unanimously resolved that Cllrs Clark, Heselwood & V. Brown would form the working party, however all Councillors would be invited to participate in the Working Group.
- To agree additional agenda items for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 10th May 2019 (1819/064)
-Penfold Lane: fencing on the grass verge reported by a resident
-Penfold Lane: bump in the road at the bridge located at the bottom of the road
- To discuss and agree a response to the Community Collaboration Project questionnaire received from LALC (1819/065)
The questionnaire was discussed by the council, with a response agreed upon. Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved that Cllr Heselwood & the Clerk would write up the agreed response and return to LALC.
- To discuss and agree a response to the LCC consultation on Heritage Services (1819/066)
Following a discussion and vote, it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council do not feel they have knowledge to respond so will not send a response. However, there was encouragement for individuals to respond as residents.
- To note the planning decision REF S/057/02292/18 Church Farm, Gautby - Planning Permission Granted (1819/067)
- To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and not on the agenda (1819/068)
The Clerk spoke again to Councillors about the importance of attending training and recommended utilising the Council’s annual training subscription with LALC to develop the knowledge and professionalism of the council.
Correspondence (1819/069)
- To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to considering amendments to the Clerk’s Contract of Employment and receive feedback following the Clerk’s probationary review (1819/070)
It was noted that the Cllrs Heselwood & V. Brown had undertaken the Clerk’s probationary review and all areas were deemed to be satisfactory. Proposed amendments to the Clerks contract was shared & following a vote it was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown & unanimously resolved to approve the amendments.
- Close Meeting (1819/071)
The meeting closed at 9.58pm.