Minutes of Annual Parish Council meeting of 10th May 2019 amended


Minutes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council

held on Friday 10th May 2019 at 7.30pm at Minting Village Hall


Present: Councillors J Heselwood, (Chair), V Brown, E Clark, H Padfield, J. Padfield and J. Stuchfield.
Clerk: A. B.
District, County, Police Representatives: ELDC Councillor W. Gray & LCC Councillor P. Bradwell.
Public: 4 members of public were present.


Chairman’s remarks - Welcome

1.       Appointment of Chairman (1920/001)
            For the first time since taking the role as Chairman, Councillor Heselwood proposed herself as             Chairman of Minting and Gautby Parish Council. Councillor H. Padfield proposed Councillor Clarke as             Chairman to Minting and Gautby Parish Council, and a member of the public tried to vote for Cllr.              Clark, and was informed by the Chairman that only Councillors were allowed to vote and that co-            option was not on agenda for this meeting but would be on the next, as they had been informed           twice by email.  A vote was held, with a hung result, 3 votes in favour of Councillor Heselwood and 3             votes in favour of Councillor Clark.

              As required by the Local Government Act 1972, as the outgoing Chairman, Councillor Heselwood             used the casting vote, to vote herself back in as Chairman to Minting and Gautby Parish Council.

2.       Appointment of Vice Chairman (1920/002)
              Councillor Heselwood asked Councillor Clark if he would like to propose himself as Vice-Chair, but           he declined the offer. Councillor Heselwood then proposed Councillor Brown as Vice-Chairman.                 Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to appoint Councillor Brown as Vice Chairman of          Minting and Gautby Parish Council.

3.       Confirmation of signing Acceptances of Office and Declaration of Interests (1920/003)
              All Councillor Acceptance of Office forms were signed and witnessed by the Clerk prior to the          commencement of the meeting. The new Chairman & Vice-Chairman both signed their acceptance of               office, witnessed by the Clerk.

4.       Chairman’s remarks and welcome (1920/004)
              As you all know, our longest serving Parish Councillor, Miss Gwenda Bell, very sadly recently passed               away. 

              Her service to this council and community over several decades was immense.  Her commitment to         community cohesion and engagement and good old-fashioned getting people to come together and               work together on behalf of this community to make a stronger, happier community was one of her         raison d’êtres.


              Her experience, knowledge, education and connections were invaluable to me as an ex-Town Councillor in a rural parish and as Chairman, when she would often call me and ask me to come     around to discuss matters with her.  Since she left the Council last year, these chats were naturally   fewer and I know she very much missed not being part of the Council.


              In my view, she epitomised the ideal Parish Councillor:


              1. Selflessness – always acting for the good of the Community

              2. Integrity – by treating people fairly, decently, with courtesy and respect regardless of personal    feelings. By making decisions based on evidence and corporate responsibility not for personal                  advantage be it financial or otherwise.

              3. Objectivity – she always tried to see both sides of an argument, to understand the issues, to        educate herself.

              4. Accountability – she knew that we were accountable for our actions and was pleased to accept           scrutiny.

              5. Openness – she was open to new ideas and transparent in her views.

              6. Honesty - she was always honest and forthright in her opinions whilst listening to those of          others and engaging in discussion. 

              7. Leadership - She had vision when others did not, she always knew the right thing to do when              others floundered, she was utterly fair, a person of great integrity who sought to do her very best   for her beloved villages.

              She supported the Parish Council and the work that we did and understood the importance of   corporate decision-making and responsibility – that even if she didn’t personally agree with a     Council decision, she recognised that her role was not to undermine or second-guess but to support      those corporate decisions.

              She fully supported the Council’s difficult decisions of the past few years.

              I know that after the difficult year of 2018 she hoped that we would find common purpose by every    single one of us working transparently together on behalf of our villages and working in a manner               which promotes the work of the Council and sows accord not discord, spreads agreement not               disagreement and where Councillors are moving forward together with shared responsibility with the        well-being of the community and residents at the heart of what we do. We are at the beginning        of a        4-year election term and have a wonderful opportunity to put the difficulties of the past behind us               and learn from the challenges faced and overcome.

5.       Apologies for absence and vote to accept reasons given (1920/005)

6.       Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary          Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011 (1920/006)
              Councillors Heselwood & Brown declared interests in agenda item 12(h).

7.       Declaration of Personal Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests)             Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011 (1920/007)

8.       To receive completed Security Compliance Checklists from all Councillors (1920/008)
              All Councillors signed and returned the security compliance checklists.


9.       To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on March 22nd, 2019 (1920/009)
              Councillor J. Padfield abstained from voting due to not being present at the former meeting.

              It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and resolved to accept the            minutes of the meeting held on March 22nd, 2019.

10.       To receive reports from District and County Councillors and Police (if available) (1920/010)
              ELDC Councillor Gray apologised for not having attended the Annual Parish Meeting. Having known    Gwenda for over 30 years, Councillor Gray expressed that she was a very special lady who even               whilst unwell had a great interest in things, and even when he met Gwenda for dinner a short time ago, she had an agenda ready and waiting for him, which included concerns regarding Heritage       closures and road improvements.

              Councillor Gray confirmed that he has been re-elected and was very pleased to welcome Councillor J.     Padfield, and sorry to see the loss of two members, Councillors E. Brown & Keys.

              Councillor Gray then reminded the Council and the public about the bi-monthly East Lindsey E-News        which contains lots of information and is easy to sign up to, and also the Business Brief, specifically               for businesses in East Lindsey and can be signed up for online.
              The East Lindsey business awards, to be held at the Petwood Hotel, are now open for nominations. The Horncastle festival meeting is upcoming. The Horncastle Christmas Tree Festival is on the same               weekend as the Lincoln Christmas Market.
              Councillor Gray reported that it is the beginning of a new era for ELDC following the elections and              explained that Councillors have not yet been assigned as representatives of committees.


              LCC Councillor Patricia Bradwell reported that Lincolnshire roads had been much better this winter            and there have been four extra teams undertaking pothole repairs in East Lindsey. The teams are               now moving to the repairs on C-roads and unclassified roads.  Fix My Street (for reporting roads, streetlights, blocked drains etc) is now available as an app for smart phones which allows a photo to      be uploaded and the location to be tracked.
              East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS), LIVES, Community Health Trust and the Wellbeing Service are all working together to try to reduce the workload of EMAS – a critical assessment will now be               done and LIVES and a paramedic will now come out and assess at the scene if an ambulance is       required, which is hoped will reduce hospital visits and admissions where they are not necessary.
              Highways are now going back to doing 3 cuts per year and this has commenced already and now     includes annual gully cleaning Countywide.
              Many Parishes are now signing up to Community Speedwatch and receiving the free signs. Bardney              Group Parish Council now have a SID and are lending it out to others.
              The Fire service was recently inspected with a great result and has a good source of retained            firefighters help to cover the vast county.

              Councillor Bradwell highlighted that there have never been plans to close the Usher Gallery and will           still have paintings there. LCC want to hold larger art exhibitions by converting the basement and top               floors of The Collection.

              Councillor Heselwood reminded Councillor Bradwell that the severe pothole by the Bridge has still      not been repaired, which Councillor Bradwell acknowledged and would take it back to the Highways               department.

              Councillor Heselwood proposed the suspension of standing orders, to close the meeting to address the public who were requesting to speak. Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to do so.

              A resident informed Councillor Bradwell regarding speeding vehicles in the villages and the dangers to horse riders and people walking with pushchairs and reported that there had been a number of near misses. The resident was unaware that the speed limit on country roads was 60 mph and then     asked if something could be done to reduce the speed limit, to which Councillor Bradwell             explained that this would not be possible, however the Parish Council could sign up to Community               Speed Watch and receive signs to put in areas where speeding is regarded as a problem.

              The meeting re-opened.

11.     To appoint representatives of the Parish Council:

a) Horncastle Area Forum representative (1920/11)
It was unclear if ELDC were still hosting these so it was proposed and unanimously resolved to defer the item until the next meeting.

b) Gautby Village Hall Committee (1920/12)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, Seconded by Councillor Clark and unanimously resolved to appoint Councillor H. Padfield as representative to Gautby Village Hall.

d) Tree Monitor for the Minting Green and Interpretation area in Minting (1920/13)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, and unanimously resolved to close the meeting to address the public. A resident (who has applied to be co-opted to the Council at the October meeting) volunteered to represent the Parish Council as Tree Monitor as he works as a tree surgeon.
The meeting re-opened.
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to appoint  Chris Bruntlett as Tree Monitor for Minting Green and Interpretation area in Minting.

e) Arboricultural Consultant (1920/14)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to re-appoint resident Mike Sumner as Arboricultural Consultant.

f) Community Emergency Volunteers (1920/15)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to appoint Councillors Stuchfield and Clark as Community Emergency Volunteers for Minting.

It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood and seconded by Councillor Brown to re-appoint Councillor Heselwood as CEV for Gautby.

g) Playing Field Warden (1920/16)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to re-appoint Councillor Brown as Playing Field Warden.

h) Councillor to monitor The Green, Council Noticeboard and bench in Minting (1920/17)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to appoint Councillor Stuchfield as the monitor of The Green, The Council Noticeboard and Bench in Minting.

i) Council to approve appointing the Clerk as lead safeguarding officer (1920/18)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to appoint the Clerk as lead safeguarding officer.

12.   Financial Matters:

a) Approve extra travel costs for Clerk for 17th May & 7th June total cost of £45.00 (1920/19)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Clark and unanimously resolved to approve the additional travel costs.

b) To accept the Annual Internal Auditor’s separate report and recommendations (1920/20)
It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to accept the Annual Internal Auditor’s report and recommendations.

c) Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018-19

i. Resolve to complete the Exemption Certificate for External Auditor to be returned by June 30th, 2019 (page 3 of 6) (1920/21)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to complete and return the exemption certificate. The Clerk and Chairperson signed and dated the form.

ii. To accept the Annual Internal Auditor’s Signed Report Form for 2018/19. (Page 4 of 6) (1920/22)
It was proposed by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor H. Padfield and unanimously resolved to accept the report.

iii. Review and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19 (Page 5 of 6) (1920/23)
It was proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.


iv. Approve the Accounting Statements 2018/19 (page 6 of 6) (1920/24)
It was proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Clark and unanimously resolved to approve the Accounting Statements.

v.  To approve the Explanation of Variances (separate sheet) (1920/25)
It was proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to approve the Explanation of Variances.

vi.  To approve the INTERNAL Auditor's Bank Reconciliation (1920/26)
It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to approve the Internal Auditors Bank Reconciliation.

vii. To receive and Approve Audit Timetable for Exercise of Electors’ Rights (1920/27)
It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to approve the audit timetable for the exercise of electors right from 1st July 2019 – 9th August 2019.

d)  Approve the Audited Annual Accounts (1920/28)
It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to approve the audited accounts.

e)  Approve List of >£100 items for 2018/19 Transparency Code Documentation (1920/29)
It was proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to revisit the agenda item next meeting due to incorrect sorting of the spreadsheet which hadn’t been noticed at time of printing.

f)  To agree the insurance policy for 2018/19 (1920/30)
It was proposed by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to accept the insurance quote from Came & Company at a cost of £301.74 + £50.00 admin fee.

g)  To review 80p per month payment for electricity charges for each AED from April 2020. (1920/31)
Councillors Brown & H. Padfield declared an interest in the agenda item and abstained from voting. Following a vote, it was resolved by all those voting to agree an increase to 90p per month payment for electricity charges for each AED from April 2020.

h)  To approve payments to be made by the Parish Council and note monies received (see separate

      list) (1920/32)
Councillors Brown & Heselwood declared an interest in the agenda item and abstained from voting. It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield and seconded by Councillor J. Padfield to approve the payments to be made by the Parish Council and note monies received.


i)  Resolve to pay the ICO annual fee if required (1920/33)
It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Clark and unanimously resolved to pay the annual ICO fee if required (awaiting confirmation from LALC).


j)  Approve another Councillor as signatory for the Parish Council bank account (1920/34)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Clark and unanimously resolved to approve Councillor Stuchfield as a new signatory on the Parish Council bank account.

k)  To approve a budget for repairing the Parish Council noticeboard in Gautby (1920/35)
Councillor Heselwood said that she had found someone who would be willing to dismantle and repair the noticeboard, however, Councillors H. & J. Padfield, expressed their opinion that a simple repair to the noticeboard would not suffice as there was a need to prevent the ingress of water from between the noticeboard and the building. Following a discussing, a vote was held, and it was unanimously resolved to agree a budget of a maximum of £100 to repair the noticeboard and ensure the water ingress is prevented. 

l) To pre-approve payment of the Clerk's salary, PAYE payments and agreed travel costs up until the end of September to ensure payments are made between meetings (1920/36)
It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to move the agenda item to within agenda item 25 due to the confidential nature of the items for discussion and resolution.

m) To receive an update from the Chair regarding the recently submitted VAT claim (1920/37)
The Chairperson informed the Council that the VAT claim monies have now been received.

13.   Discuss response to Planning Application Smart Meter Mast PROPOSED RADIO BASE STATION

         INSTALLATION, SILVER STREET, MINTING Ref. No: S/057/00612/19 (1920/38)
              To note- there was an administrative error with the numbering on the agenda, having numbers 11 &            12 on the agenda twice. Therefore, on the agenda, this item appeared as item 11 whereas it should have been item 13. It was proposed by Councillor Heselwood to suspend standing orders and close the meeting to               address the public, to consider their views on this matter. No residents wished to comment.
              The meeting reopened.
It was unanimously resolved that the Council are in support of the application.

14.   To agree timetable of Parish Council meetings up to and including March 2020:

              Proposed scheduled meeting dates Friday October 4th, 2019, Friday Nov 30th, 2019, Friday     January 17th, 2020, Friday March 27th 2020 (1920/39)
              It was proposed by Cllr J Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to      approve the proposed meeting dates.


15.   Ongoing Matters

a)      Broadband update (1920/40)
              Councillor Padfield highlighted that he feels the Broadband and Mobile service has gotten    worse. The Chairperson proposed to close the meeting to address a resident with knowledge          on the subject. Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to address the public. The resident highlighted that the Council could request that EE amend the frequency to increase             the bandwidth of the signal.

              Action: Clerk to send a letter to EE making this request.

b)      Highways

i. Penfold Lane- road surface at the bridge has dropped. Council to agree to report to highways (1920/41)
Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved for the Clerk to report via ‘fix my street’ and to encourage residents to do the same.

Action: Clerk to report via fix my street

ii. Penfold Lane: fencing encroaching on the grass verge reported by a resident. Council to consider any action (1920/42)
It was unanimously resolved to defer the item until the next meeting.

iii. To discuss the verbal complaints received regarding high speeds at which some drivers navigate the blind corners coming in from The Poplars into Gautby and agree action (1920/43)
Following a discussion it was unanimously resolved to take no action at this time.

iv. To discuss and agree action regarding the increasing amounts of stones and concrete blocks which are used to prevent vehicles mounting the verges. As some of these are difficult to see and residents have expressed concerns regarding cyclists not being aware of them and having an accident, it is proposed that the land owners to paint the blocks/stones white to make more visible. (1920/44)
Following a discussion, it was unanimously resolved that the Council shall write to the homeowner to recommend making them more visible by painting them.
Action: Clerk to write letter

16.   To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and not on the agenda        (1920/45)
              Councillor Clark requested an update on the situation regarding the AED codes with EMAS. The          Chairperson explained that a response has been received from EMAS to say the matter is being        investigated. However, due to the workload at EMAS no investigation report has been received.            Councillors were concerned that this should be chased up.

17.   To discuss Minting Village Hall's Playing Field Risk Assessment draft (1920/46)
              It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Clark and unanimously resolved               to accept the draft risk assessment pending being approved by the insurance company.

18.   To approve new and updated policies

a)  Approve Safeguarding & Lone Working policies (1920/47)
It was proposed by Councillor Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to approve both the Safeguarding and Lone Working policies.

b) Approve amendments to the Co-option procedure, Co-option letter & Confidentiality Agreement for all members and employees (1920/48)
Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to defer this item until the next meeting.

c) To approve amendments to the Standing Orders regarding the handling of planning applications  and a succession procedure (1920/49)
Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved not to accept or approve the proposed amendments to the standing orders.

22:30: Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to suspend standing orders,

and allow the meeting to continue after the 3-hour period elapsed.

d) To approve amendments to the Personnel Working Party Terms of Reference and appoint the third Councillor to the Working Party (1920/50)
It was proposed by Cllr J Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved to approve the amendments and appoint Councillor Clarke to the Personnel Working Party.

19.   To acknowledge correspondence received since the last Council meeting (see separate list) (1920/51)


20.   To approve the Council writing to thank Cllr Geoff Keys for his service (1920/52)
It was proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded by Cllr J Stuchfield and unanimously resolved to approve writing to ex-Councillor Keys to thank him for his service.

21.   To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public Bodies (admission to meetings)

         Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to Personnel

         Matters. (1920/53)
              To note – duplicate agenda item (administrative error)

22.  To agree to the Chairperson passing on details regarding the recent passing of a former long-standing

        Councillor for a memorial article in the June LALC News (1920/54)
              It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved.

23.  To agree to write to the new owner of a field in Minting thanking them for replanting a hedge which

        has previously been removed (1920/55)
              It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield seconded by Councillor Brown and unanimously resolved.

24.  Training

a) To inform the council and propose Councillor attendance at the LALC Networking Day on July 4th at The Bentley Hotel, Lincoln (1920/56)
Councillor Clark expressed an interest in attending.
Action: Clerk to book place.

b) To inform the Council and agree Councillor attendance at the Resilient Communities Conference in Grantham on 18th July. (1920/57)
Councillor Heselwood expressed an interest in attending.
Action: Clerk to book place.

c) To agree for the newly appointed member of the Personnel Working Party to attend the LALC Code of Conduct, Employment Law and Resolving Conflict Training on either 13th June in Boston or the 20th June in Gainsborough (1920/58)
Councillors Clark and Heselwood to attend the June 13th event in Boston.

Action: Clerk to book.

25.  To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to

Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation the recommendation of the Personnel Working Party with regards to the employment of the Clerk. (1920/59)

Agenda Item 12(l) deferred to closed session.  Following a vote, it was unanimously resolved to approve the additional salary and travel costs for the Clerk.


The Clerk was offered a fixed 2-year term following her probationary period. However, the Clerk advised that she did not intend to take up the offer for various reasons, and would give a final decision within one week.


The meeting accepted the Clerk’s decision with regret, and resolved to see if anything could be done to persuade her to remain.



The meeting closed at 10.55pm.