Minutes of April 17th 2018
The Minutes of the
Extraordinary Parish Council meeting of
held on
Tuesday 17th April 2018
commencing at 7.40pm in Gautby Village Hall
Present: Councillors G Bell, E Brown, V Brown, J Heselwood, H Padfield and J Stuchfield
Councillor V Brown took the minutes, Councillor Heselwood in the Chair
- Chairperson’s remarks - Welcome Members of the Public
- There were no members of the public present
- Apologies for absence and reasons given.
- Apologies received from Councillors Hibbert and Keys – it was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield to accept their reasons
- Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011
- There were no interests declared
- Declaration of Personal Interests in items on the agenda.
- There were no personal interests declared
- To confirm or amend and sign the minutes of the meeting held on March 27thth, 2018.
- It was proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr J Stuchfield and agreed by all to confirm and sign the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on March 27th 2018 which the Chairman duly signed.
- To receive reports from District and County Councillors and Police (if available)
- None
- Financial Matters
Councillors were provided with a copy of the 2018/19 budget which had not been printed out correctly at the previous meeting.
- List of Payments
The cheque for A Parnell for £255 from March 2018 had an incorrect payee name and was therefore reissued. The council asked the Chairman to formally thank Ms Parnell for her work. It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield and seconded by Cllr Padfield to approve the list of payments.
- Correction to March 2018 Payment List
A payment list from 12th March was shown to Councillors and is included in these minutes. It was agreed by all to accept the new payment list.
- VAT Audit update
- Our auditor audited the new VAT claim list and two claims were made. One for £648 which covers the period of 2015-2018 which had not been previously claimed. The second claim for £842.56 which may not be refundable due to being out of time. Both of these were sent off to HMRC however on 10th April 2018 HMRC sent the Parish Council a document asking them to use a new reference number from 31st February 2018. This despite the fact that the online form filling page still asks for the old reference. Council has had to resend the request using the latest reference number from the HMRC. In the event that HMRC do not refund all VAT requests, the council will consider what further action to take.
- End of Year Audit update
- The Council has been sent an email which has been printed out with all the instructions and various templates. The layout of the Council’s financial spreadsheet has been amended to simplify it and reduce the likelihood of errors. Councillors were given a new version of the spreadsheet which included the whole of the expenditure and receipts for 2017-18. In addition, our new auditor is meeting the Chairman on Friday 20th April to discuss the auditing of end of the year accounts and additional requirements.
- Bank Reconciliation at end of March 2018
- Using the year end format provided by the external auditors Councillors were provided with the bank reconciliation and it was proposed to accept the bank reconciliation as at 31st March 2018. Proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Bell and agreed by all. Cllr Stuchfield duly signed a copy of the bank reconciliation.
- End of Year Accounts
- Councillors were given a copy of the unaudited accounts for information.
- Agree to continue services of PS&D for 2 further months
- This item was not voted upon as we are not ready to work with PS&D at the moment. PS&D have agreed to continue at a later date on a rolling month by month basis. It was also agreed to double check with PS&D about any legal requirements for hiring temporary staff to assist with the remaining outstanding work.
- Following agreement to purchase Microsoft Office 2016 software x 1 user – lifetime for the Lenovo Laptop, agree that if new software agreement is required to be signed for Medion laptop – agree to use Libre office or equivalent free software.
- It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Bell and agreed by all to do s
- Approve the following policy documents:
- Grants and Donations
- It was proposed by Cllr V Bell, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and agreed by all to approve the new Grants and Donations policy
- Standing Orders
- The Chairperson reminded Councillors that we had in our Strategy meetings agreed the text of our new standing orders. However the Chairman had become aware of an error and had brought forward the amendment to Council regarding complaints about Councillors. This amendment to items 2a and 2b to the original standing orders was accepted and proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and agreed by all. However, it was advised that that day a new version of model standing orders had been posted on to the LALC website and these will need to be reviewed with a view to implementing those at some time in the not too distant future.
- Grants and Donations
- Update on the Sebastopol Inn, Public House – this is a standard agenda item.
- Regarding the Sebastopol, Councillors reported that the greenhouse had been dismantled and the owners appear to be in the process of moving out in preparation for the new owners moving in. Cllr Brown reminded everybody that there was a party planned for 27th April at Minting Village Hall to welcome the new owners and celebrate the retention of the village pub. It was also noted that the Sebastopol Inn will be reopening on Thursday 24th May.
- On-going Matters
- Broadband update
- Cllr V Brown advised that they have booked with BT who have committed to giving them 200MB/second from 25th April. We await with baited breath!
- Highways
- The Chairperson reported that they have been following a friend whose wheel went into the dreadful pothole outside the haulier’s yard in Gautby. The car had to be taken away by a recovery truck. Fortunately, dashcam footage will help the owner obtain compensation for the damage caused. The PC has reported this pothole and emailed our LCC Councillor but still no action.
- Emergency Plan
- Nothing to report.
- Communication
- It was agreed to issue an up-to-date newsletter when time allows
- Playing Field
- Cllr Heselwood was asked to research the cost to produce a waterproof sign alerting user to the uneven surface. A maximum of £100 is available for her to order one.
- Broadband update
- To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and not on the agenda.
- Cllr Bell mentioned how distressing it was to see so much litter in the surrounding roads and Cllr Heselwood and Cllr V Brown intend to go out litter picking in the not too distant future. It was requested that the Heritage Society, using their email list and Facebook page, could ask residents if they would be kind enough to pick up any litter they notice when they are out and about as the Best Kept Village competition is coming soon.
- To agree date and propose agenda items for the next meeting.
- None
- To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to Complaints and Freedom of Information, Insurance, Personnel and Personal Matters.
- It was proposed Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and agreed by all to move to closed session to discuss Complaints and Freedom of Information, Insurance, Personnel and Personal Matters
- Agree Text of Reply
- Regarding an FOI request about Parish Council Minutes
- It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Padfield and agreed by all to approve the text of a letter regarding a Freedom of Information request about Parish Council minutes. Council explained why the minutes had taken some time to resolve and that all minutes were now correct, but that the Council would not be replying under FOI as it regarded this a vexatious request, when a simple letter would have sufficed.
- Regarding an FOI request on VAT
- It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Padfield and agreed by all to approve the text of a letter regarding an FOI request about VAT. The text is to explain why VAT had not been claimed, what actions have been taken to reclaim it and what options the council has as per the explanation provided during the public meeting of April 17th, 2018. Council to enclose copies of 2 documents relating to letters to HMRC on this matter. Council to explain that the Council would not be replying under FOI as it regarded this a vexatious request, when a simple letter would have sufficed.
- Re FOI re Further Info on a building and its occupants in Minting
- It was retrospectively agreed by all to approve the response to the second FOI request which was replied on 13th March 2018.
- Re Complaint re an Individual Councillor
- It was proposed by Cllr E Brown, seconded by Cllr Bell and agreed by all to approve the text of a letter regarding a complaint about a Councillor breaching the code of conduct and asking the complainant to complaint to the Monitoring Officer, which they already have.
- Re Complaint re Parish Councillors
- It was proposed by Cllr E Brown, seconded by Cllr V Brown and agreed by all to approve the text of a letter regarding a complaint about the Parish Councillors breaching the Code of Conduct, and asking the complainants to complain to the Monitoring Officer, which they already have.
- Regarding an FOI request about Parish Council Minutes
- Update on Complaint to Information Commissioner’s Office
- The recommendation from the ICO was to look at the vexatious complaint section (section 14 of the Freedom of Information Act) for small organisations on their website for information and help. Some of the reasons for a council to regard the FOI requests as vexatious can include personal grudges, abusive language, unfounded accusations, frequent requests or overlapping requests as well as deliberate intention to cause annoyance.
- Agree to ask the Chairman to sign a letter on behalf of the council provided by Personnel Advice & Solutions Ltd regarding use of employee data.
- It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Bell and agreed by all to ask the Chairman to sign the Data Protection form provided to the Council by PA&SL which the Chairman duly signed.
- Agree to ask the Chairman to sign a letter on behalf of the council provided by Personnel Advice & Solutions Ltd regarding use of employee data.
- Agree what data we process for applying for DP registration
- Councillors discussed the registration document for registering with the ICO for Data Processing and it was agreed that the information we process is personal details, family details, education and employment details, financial details and goods and services. We process the information about employees, suppliers and councillors as well as volunteers. In addition to local government, representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing, current past and prospective employers, HMRC, and legal advisors we also might share with emergency services and first responders.
- Review Insurance Documents and discuss additional cover under insurance for DP protection and additional Legal requirements
- Council to check if it has adequate insurance for all legal matters as well as against Data Protection claims. Council also to explain to Came & Co so that they are aware that the trim trail is not the same as playground equipment.
- Council to check if it has adequate insurance for all legal matters as well as against Data Protection claims. Council also to explain to Came & Co so that they are aware that the trim trail is not the same as playground equipment.
It was proposed by Cllr V Brown and agreed by all to come out of closed session at 9.44pm.