Minutes of March 12th 2018
The minutes of the
Extraordinary Parish Council meeting of
held on
Monday, 12th March 2018
commencing at 7.40pm in Gautby Village Hall
3 Members of the Public were present
The Secretary of the Sebastopol Community Benefit Society asked to make a few points regarding Item 6 on the agenda, namely the Sebastopol Inn. She reminded people that they had set up the Community Benefit Society in order to make a community bid for the public house.
Speaking on behalf of the Community Benefit Society she advised that they had received lots of positive feedback from people on the Benefit Society mail list and it was fantastic news that the pub was in the process of being sold and reopening as a village pub. She commented that it was also good to hear that the planning application for change of use to residential has been withdrawn. The community is highly delighted that the pub is to be reopened and she wanted to formally express the Society’s thanks for the support of the Parish Council in the work towards getting the Community bid off the ground and also for the Parish Council’s support in opposing the planning application.
The Community Benefit Society has agreed to deregister now in order to avoid fees for the coming year.
Members thanked the Society for its hard work.
Cllr Bell asked whether the Parish Council could offer the new landlords a tree to commemorate the Sebastopol Inn being reopened and to invite the press. It was suggested that the Heritage Society could fund this if the owners were in agreement.
It was reported that there would be a party on Friday 27th April at Minting Village Hall to welcome the new landlords and celebrate retaining our village pub.
Present: Councillor Heselwood - Chair, Councillors G Bell, E Brown, V Brown, H Padfield, J Stuchfield.
Administrative support provided by A. Parnell.
- Chairman’s remarks
- The Chair welcomed Councillors and members of the public to the meeting.
- Apologies and resolve to accept reasons given
- Cllr Keys & Cllr Hibbert – apologies. Resolved to accept reason for absence.
- Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary
Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011
- Cllr Heselwood declared an interest in financial matters due to mileage expenses incurred.
- To confirm or amend and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Jan 19th, 2018
- Unfortunately, due to an administrative error, it was not possible to sign the minutes of January 19th, and the Chair moved to defer the signing of the minutes of January 19th to the next Parish Council meeting. Cllr V Brown seconded this and it was agreed by all.
- It was agreed by all to move this item forward from Item 8 on the agenda. Agree attendance on LALC training dates for Cllr. Heselwood on March 7th, 21st and April 18th 2018.
- Chairman brought this item forward to advise that she will be attending courses on 21st March re VAT & HMRC and 18th April re upskilling on Word as well as one already attended on 7th March. Requested Council’s approval for attending these courses. Proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and agreed by all.
- Financial Matters
- To approve payments to be made by the Parish Council (see table below)
A detailed list of items to be paid by Parish Council was distributed and proposed by Cllr G Bell, seconded by Cllr E Brown and agreed by all to pay the items. The payments list was signed by Chair and signatories. - To approve the bank reconciliation for February 2018 (see table below)
- To approve payments to be made by the Parish Council (see table below)
Difference of £13.20 on bank reconciliation explained to Council due to unpresented cheque.It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Padfield and agreed by all that the bank reconciliation was accurate.
To look at actual to budget and vire unused budget amounts
Council examined year to date against budget. No amounts were vired.
Budget 2017/2018 |
Estimate to year end 2017/2018 |
Precept |
6000.00 |
6000.00 |
Bank Interest |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Grant Aid |
0.00 |
1250.00 |
Grass Cutting Contribution MVH |
140.00 |
280.00 |
vat refund |
350.00 |
1449.92 |
6490.00 |
8979.92 |
carry over reserves |
5110.05 |
5110.05 |
11600.05 |
14089.97 |
Cloud Storage |
0 |
88.89 |
Domain Name |
0 |
36.00 |
Staff Costs |
2026.54 |
2154.00 |
Stationery, Telephone, B'Band, Postage |
50.00 |
222.19 |
Meeting Room Hire |
104.00 |
190.00 |
IT Equipment |
150.00 |
712.53 |
Maintenance of Assets |
50.00 |
24.28 |
Mileage |
140.00 |
198.00 |
Training |
40.00 |
40.00 |
Grass Cutting - Gautby |
50.00 |
0.00 |
Grass Cutting - Playing Field |
750.00 |
900.00 |
Best Kept Village Fee |
20.00 |
18.00 |
Lalc Subs and Training Fee |
120.00 |
169.27 |
70.00 |
300.00 |
Fees Subtotal |
210.00 |
487.27 |
Insurance |
320.00 |
305.40 |
Audit Fee |
100.00 |
140.00 |
Electricity |
65.00 |
52.10 |
Grants to Village Organisations |
150.00 |
140.00 |
Vat Payments |
350.00 |
603.00 |
Grass Cutting - Minting Centre |
750.00 |
750.00 |
Newsletter |
100.00 |
117.68 |
Storage Charges |
50.00 |
36.00 |
0.00 |
158.00 |
to - Reserves Contingency |
200.00 |
200.00 |
To Reserves - Defib |
100.00 |
100.00 |
To Reserves - IT Fund |
0 |
0.00 |
to Reserves - Election |
2000 |
2000.00 |
To Reserves Emergency Plan |
600.00 |
600.00 |
Data Protection Officer fee |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Ear Marked Funded Staffing - Extra |
500.00 |
to general Reserve |
3244.51 |
3834.63 |
8355.54 |
10255.34 |
General Reserves |
51104 |
3834.63 |
Earmarked Reserves |
3400.00 |
7234.63 |
to - Reserves Contingency |
200.00 |
To Reserves - Defib |
100.00 |
To Reserves - Emergency Plan |
600.00 |
To Reserves - IT Fund |
0.00 |
to Reserves - Election |
2000.00 |
Ear Marked Funded Staffing - Extra |
500.00 |
- Update on the Sebastopol Inn, Public House
- Approval of response to request for a review of the Freedom of Information request dated February 13th, 2018, from the owners of the Sebastopol Inn.
Copies of the draft response from the Parish Council were distributed and it was proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and agreed by all to send the proposed reply. - Approval of response to further Freedom of Information request by the owners of the Sebastopol Inn, dated February 13th, 2018.
In response to the request for information between 26th October to 13th February. Copies of the draft response from the Parish Council were distributed and it was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Bell and agreed by all to send the proposed reply and associated documents.
- Approval of response to request for a review of the Freedom of Information request dated February 13th, 2018, from the owners of the Sebastopol Inn.
- Agree times for the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, on Tuesday May 8th, 2018 at Minting Village Hall. Proposed timings are Annual Parish Meeting 6.30pm to 7.30pm and this is when the photography competition results will be announced and displayed. Consider other ideas for the meeting. Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council would start at 7:45pm. It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and agreed by all that the above arrangements stand.
- Agree attendance for Cllr Heselwood and any other Councillors who wish to attend HAC meeting on March 19th 2018. It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and agreed by all to approve Cllr Heselwood’s attendance (as the Council’s appointed representative).
- Agree dates for Monday training session in Mid-April
It was agreed to ask LALC if Monday 16th April would be acceptable as a training evening and to consult with Cllr Keys. It was agreed by all.
- General Data Protection Regulations
- Discuss the new GDP Regulations and actions requested by LALC to reduce the impact of this on small Parish Council’s (see separate email(s))
Council discussed the potential requirement for town and parish Council’s to appoint an external Data Protection Officer. It was agreed that a letter be drafted and sent to our MP supporting NALC’s position in respect of cost and administrative burden and lack of clarity of what the new legislation means for small Parish Councils. The motion was proposed by Cllr Bell, seconded by Cllr E Brown and agreed by all. - Agree to begin to address compliance with new GDP Regulations via Strategy WP and draft a policy for the Council to approve.
It was proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and agreed by all to include the update of our Data Protection Policy on the list of items for the Strategy Working Party.
- Review and approve the following updated policies:
- Social Media Policy – agreed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and approved by all.
- Communication Policy/Strategy - it was agreed to defer to next meeting. Cllr Padfield to submit alternative wording at next meeting of the Strategy Working Party. All agreed.
- Complaint’s Procedure – proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr G Bell and approved by all.
- Delete Noticeboard Policy - proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr V Brown and agreed by all.
- Review and approve updated Financial Regulations - proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr G Bell and approved by all.
- Review and approve Travel Expenses Claims Policy - proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield and approved by all.
- On-going Matters
- Broadband Update – Council received an email detailing the work being carried out by contractors on behalf of BT Openreach in the centre of Minting. The Chair confirmed that BT had advised that work had begun to fit FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) cabling to telegraph poles in the centre of Minting and that eventually, subject to residents’ internet service providers and contract, superfast broadband of up to 330 Mb/s could be available to residents. It is unclear at present how long this work will take to complete or exactly which premises will benefit.
- Highways – discuss ideas for getting action from LCC – it was agreed to keep writing to LCC about the state of our roads and to maintain pressure for repairing them.
- Emergency Plan –
- Agree to provide emergency contact information sheet for Councillors to allow contact in emergencies.
Chairman distributed updated emergency contact information sheet. Councillors agreed they were happy to share information with each other. - Review recent snow emergency and lessons to be learnt.
Council discussed recent snow incidents and it was agreed that the Heritage Society’s Facebook page was useful for up-to-date information regarding road conditions and the point was made that we hadn’t had any prolonged power outages and that Western Power distribution seemed to have been very well prepared. The Parish Council wants to thank all of the local farmers who helped clear the roads and rescue people and cars. It was agreed to express the Council’s thanks in the next newsletter. - Action: Cllr V Brown to check grit bin and contact LCC if it requires replenishing.
- Agree to provide emergency contact information sheet for Councillors to allow contact in emergencies.
- Communication - agree noticeboard information regarding Council and Members
- Chairman distributed proposed Emergency notice to be displayed on noticeboard. Agreed by all.
- Chairman distributed proposed notice on ‘How to Contact the Council’ to be displayed on noticeboard. ACTION: Add Cllr Padfield’s mobile number and amend Cllr Stuchfield’s email address for display on noticeboard. Agreed by all.
- To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and not on the agenda
- Chairman explained the Council has received correspondence from a local resident regarding the dreadful state of the public footpath through New Park woods. Council agreed to send a letter in support of the resident’s r.
- The Council noted that the planning application at Shotton’s Farm (S/122/02306/17) was approved on 8th December by East Lindsey District Council.
- It was agreed that the Parish Council purchase a copy of the ‘Good Councillors Guide’ for each Councillor and one copy of ‘Local Councils Explained’.
- To consider response following request to consult on Coastal Path From Sutton Bridge to Skegness.
- Council agreed it was a good idea for Coastal Access in the East.
- Correspondence as per list below
Item |
Messenger sent by email |
Extended hub for GP Surgery at Louth Hospital |
Village Hall News |
BT Update from RE FTTP in Minting |
Community Fibre |
Town and Parish E-news 12/2/2018 (includes Horncastle Area Forum agenda |
New Magistrates Needed |
Community Lincs News |
Town and Parish E-news 29/1/2018 |
LALC Flyer |
Bardney Clays info from West Lindsey |
Community Lincs Village and Community Hall News Update |
Eon Price Rise |
Coastal Path Sutton Bridge to Skegness Coastal Path Consultation |
Register your Area for a Spring Clean |
Keep Britain Tidy |
Buckingham Palace Attendees |
Western Power update following Snow Emergency |
- To agree date and propose agenda items for the next meeting
Agreed next Parish Council meeting Tuesday 27th March at Gautby Village Hall.
It was proposed by Cllr V Brown, seconded by Cllr Stuchfield agreed by all.
It was resolved and agreed by all to move into closed session in accordance with the public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to Complaints and Personnel Matters. Meeting was closed to public at 8.45pm
- Personnel Matters
- Receive reply from Clerk to letter acknowledging her resignation
Council acknowledged receipt of reply. - Approve reply to complaint regarding Parish Council’s objection to Change of Use application of the Sebastopol Inn
ACTION: Council agreed letter should be amended slightly and sent. - Agree updated Grievance Policy
Council agreed – proposed by Cllr Stuchfield, seconded by Cllr Padfield agreed by all. - Approve reply to complaint regarding a Parish Councillor
ACTION: Council agreed letter should be amended slightly and sent. - To agree to continue using services of Ms. Parnell until end of May 2018 up to max of 42 + 20 hours from beginning March to end May 2018, and to review again at May meeting.
It was resolved to employ the services of Ms. Parnell for a maximum of 62 hours to the end of May (including hours already worked during March) as admin support. It was proposed by Cllr Heselwood, seconded by Cllr V. Brown and agreed by all.
Meeting closed at 9.20pm