Minutes of January 19th 2018
Friday 19th January 2018 at Minting Village Hall at 7.30pm
Councillors Present:
Chairman Cllr. J Heselwood, Cllr. G Bell, Cllr. E Brown, Cllr. V Brown, Cllr. Hibbert, Cllr. H Padfield, Cllr. J Stuchfield
Clerk: Ms. A. Lawson
In attendance
2 Members of the Public in attendance (1 member entered late)
Cllr. P Bradwell – LCC, Cllr. Gray - ELDC
As members of the public had no comment to make it was agreed by all to move straight to session at 7.31pm.
- Chairman’s remarks - Welcome Members of the Public
- Chairman welcomed members of the public
- Apologies for absence and vote to accept reasons given
- Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests under the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 made under the s.30 (3) of the Localism Act 2011
- Councillors were requested to update and return declarations of interest. Declarations received from Councillors Stuchfield, Hibbert and V. Brown.
- Councillors were requested to update and return declarations of interest. Declarations received from Councillors Stuchfield, Hibbert and V. Brown.
- To confirm or amend, and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 12th December 2017.
- It was proposed by Cllr. I Hibbert, seconded Cllr. J Stuchfield and agreed by all to sign as a true record the minutes of 12th December 2017. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
- To receive reports from District and County Councillors and Police (if available). No reports received.
- Financial Matters
- To formally approve the new domain name www.mintingandgautbyparishcouncil.co.uk and associated council web-based email, the new website and contents using LCC service to parish councils at http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/MintingandGautby/ and the new cloud-based account which allows the Clerk and Chair to work together remotely on documents.
It was RESOLVED by unanimous vote to accept the new domain name (PROPOSED Cllr. V Brown, SECONDED Cllr. Bell)
- To approve payments to be made by the Parish Council as below
19/01/2018 |
Postage |
V39 |
722 |
4.80 |
19/01/2018 |
Computer |
V40 |
720 |
628.91 |
19/01/2018 |
Printer |
V41 |
722 |
79.99 |
19/01/2018 |
Gautby village hall hire |
V42 |
721 |
20.00 |
19/01/2017 |
cancelled (wrong payee) |
V43 |
723 |
0.00 |
RESOLVED by unanimous vote to ratify the payment as above (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. E Brown)
- To approve the bank reconciliation for December 2017 as below
V designates payments already credited or debited from the account.
RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve the Bank reconciliation (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. G Bell.
- To consider tender applications for the grass cutting contract 2018-2019.
RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve to appoint company 2 (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. V Brown. It was agreed that more detailed specification would be required for next year’s quote. As instructed by the Clerk, Cllr. Heselwood took no part in the vote.
- Agree to change of contract to pay Clerk monthly by cheque. Council to agree to action as follows: Payment would be for actual hours worked each month against a signed time-sheet and counter- signed by Chair (not exceeding overall annual hours contracted). Where necessary, the cheques will be signed out of meeting by Chair and another authorised signatory and ratified at the following parish council meeting. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve to pay monthly by cheque (PROPOSED Cllr. I Hibbert, SECONDED Cllr. J Stuchfield
- To approve the Q4 2017/2018 budget amendment as below
Grant IN |
1250 |
IT Purchases |
600 |
Village hall hire |
20 |
postage |
4.8 |
sync.com |
120 |
mintingandgautby domain |
36 |
Mileage |
60 |
Salary Q1 |
715 |
Training |
176 |
Additional Personnel Costs |
715 |
Stationery |
100 |
Grass cutting reimbursement |
280 |
Vat repayment |
1495 |
3025 |
2546.8 |
RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve budget amendment (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. V Brown)
- It was agreed to pay Clerk as per 6e. up to agreed number of extra hours. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to pay the Clerk in line with the hours actually worked per month. (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. V Brown
- To approve the Budget for 2018/2019 as below. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve budget (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. V Brown). Councillors were also shown draft projections for the following 2 years.
Predicted Staff Costs FY 18/19 |
2860 |
sync.com |
120 |
mintingandgautbyparishcouncil.co.uk |
36 |
Admin/Stationery/Postage |
100 |
Mileage |
120 |
Meeting Room Hire |
140 |
Maintenance of Assets |
50 |
Lalc Training Fee |
55 |
GAUTBY Village centre |
350 |
playing field grass cutting |
750 |
20 |
Lalc Subscription |
133 |
ALCC Membership |
0 |
lalc DPO fee |
200 |
Insurance |
320 |
Audit (internal/external) |
100 |
electricity |
65 |
grants |
0 |
0 |
MINTING centres - grass cutting |
750 |
Newsletter |
75 |
Weather Related Emergency fund /contingency |
450 |
Defibrillator Running Costs |
100 |
IT replacement fund |
100 |
Storage Charges for Council documents at GVH |
60 |
Election Expenditure |
0 |
Forcasted Expenditure |
6954 |
Vat reimbursement |
0 |
Incoming MVH Grass cutting |
140 |
Precept 2018/19 |
£6,740 |
Year end expected Balance March 2019 |
£4,759 |
change in Balance |
2374 |
weekly increase on precept |
£0.12 |
Annual increase |
£6.27 |
percentage Increase over 2017/18 |
12.00% |
Ringfenced Funds as at end of march 2018 |
Emergency Fund Gas Heaters |
100 |
Defib |
100 |
IT Fund |
100 |
election |
2000 |
Ringfenced Funds as at end of march 2018 |
2300 |
£7,059 |
- To approve the Precept for 2018/2019. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve the precept of £6740 (PROPOSED Cllr. J Heselwood, SECONDED Cllr. J Stuchfield). Action on Chair to ensure that Precept Request form was sent to ELDC immediately.
- To appoint internal auditor. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to appoint the suggested auditor (PROPOSED Cllr. G Bell, SECONDED Cllr. I Hibbert).
- To agree to sign up to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to sign up to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. Henry Padfield)
- Update on the Sebastopol Inn, Public House. This is a standard agenda item which will appear on each agenda until further notice.
a. Approve final response to a Freedom of Information request.RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve response (PROPOSED Cllr. E Bell, SECONDED Cllr. J Stuchfield)
b. Formally approve text to clarification dated Jan 2nd, 2017 of word/phrase in Parish Council’s objection to the planning application S/122/01919/17.RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve phrasing (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. V Brown)
c. To ask the Clerk to respond to the complaint by the owners about the Parish Council, received by the Clerk on Jan 13th, as per Council’s complaints procedure. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to respond and comply with Council’s complaint procedure (PROPOSED Cllr. G Bell, SECONDED Cllr. E Brown)
d. To ask the Clerk to respond to the complaint by the owners about a Councillor, received by the Clerk on Jan 13th, as per Council’s complaints procedure. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to respond and comply with Council’s complaint procedure (PROPOSED Cllr. G Bell, SECONDED Cllr. E Brown)
e. To agree any further steps regarding the Parish Council’s objection to the Sebastopol Inn’s owners’ planning application S/122/01919/17.Council agreed to draft response/presentation if the application goes to Planning Committee.As there will be the opportunity for the Parish Council and one other party to object in person at the Planning Committee it was agreed to liaise with Community Pub Bid team regarding who the second party might be.RESOLVED by unanimous vote to begin preparations in the event of the application being forwarded for consideration by ELDC Planning Committee (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. V Brown)
- Agree date and times for the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, which must be held in May. Proposed dates Friday 4th May or Tuesday 8th May. RESOLVED by unanimous vote to hold the meeting on Tuesday 8th May (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. V Brown).
- To receive a report from Cllr. Gray and to consider the implication of the amendments of the proposed Main Modifications proposals to the Local Plan and any action. Decision DEFERRED until information received from District Councillor.
- To consider response to ELDC Budget Consultation.
- RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve the ELDC increase in budget of 3.75% (PROPOSED Cllr. J Stuchfield, SECONDED Cllr. H Padfield). Council also wished the response to include the following statements; recommend Economic Planning to work more closely with Planning dept, require more innovative and joined up thinking between departments.
- To be advised that Cllr. Heselwood and the Clerk are due to attend two full days’ training in Data Protection and Clerk and Chairman procedures. Agreed by all.
- On-going Matters
a. Broadband update. Item still ongoing
b. Highways. Clerk to contact Highways and report areas with subsidence and potholes. In addition, meeting to be requested with Highways to address problems.
c. Emergency Plan. Tables to be removed from Minting Village Hall to provide room for storage of gas heaters which are still to be purchased.
d. Communication - agree content of newsletter, new website. Newsletter shown to council and contents were approved by all.
- To receive reports from the Clerk and Councillors on matters outstanding and not on the agenda
- Clerk chased up ELDC as tyres which were reported under ref ELC 160/3287 on 12/12/2017 had not been removed as of Jan 9th. However, now removed.
- Correspondence as per separate list.
i. Agreed Cllr. G Bell to be recommended for place at Buckingham Palace Garden Party.
II. To check address registered with Clerks and Councils magazine.
- To agree date and propose agenda items for the next meeting in Minting Village Hall (see item 8.) Agreed Tuesday 8th May 2018.
Meeting closed 9.05pm