Minutes of meeting of 1st Dec 2020

Minutes of the meeting of Minting and Gautby Parish Council held on the 1 December 2020 at 7.00pm.   

Due to Covid 19 regulations, the meeting was held online via Google Meet.


Cllr. E.B.Clark – chairman, Cllrs. H.Padfield. J. Padfield, W.Hughes, J.Stuchfield and C.Bruntlett.

Chairman’s welcome and apologies for absence:

The chairman welcomed councillors to the meeting. There were no for apologies for absence.

Declarations of interest:

There were no declarations of interests.

To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft minutes of the meeting of 29 September 2020.

Cllr.J.Stuchfield proposed the adoption of the draft minutes without amendment.  Cllr. Bruntlett seconded the motion, which was then unanimously agreed.  The chairman signed the minutes.

Matters arising and activity since the last meeting:

The chairman reported that he had been approached by residents concerning a Witham 3rd IDB scheduled watercourse that flows between their respective properties. The banks are eroding, only supported by flimsy wooden boards which require regular repair, and this creates an untidy nuisance for both properties. After correspondence with Witham 3rd, the chairman said that he recommended that the parties concerned draw up a plan to do their own improvements, by supporting the banks with solid masonry walls. This could be done at reasonable cost, and would hopefully be acceptable to Witham 3rd.


Lincolnshire County Council had sent notification that the old style parish websites will be switched off at the end of the year. The new websites are now available for parish clerks to start moving content into them before the switchover.

An appeal has been made against the refusal of planning permission for static caravans at Eastfield Farm , Minting.   

Detailed planning permission has been granted for an extention to Christmas Cottage, Gautby.


The Chairman presented the PC accounts to date. All cheques have been presented. The 2019-20 V.A.T. reclaim has not yet been received. Telephone enquiries revealed that the claim forms were not in the HMRC system due to staffing problem during the Covid emergency. The PC had been advised to re-send the claim form.

The latest Bank statement of  2 October 2020 showed a balance of £15469.21, which corresponded with the accounts presented. Cllr. W.Hughes proposed that the Council agree the Bank reconciliation, seconded by Cllr. J.Padfield and unanimously agreed. The RFO, Cllr. J.Stuchfield, signed a copy of the Bank statement.


Cllr. Bruntlett  reported that a number of residents in Silver St., Minting, were frustrated with not having access to the new fibre broadband in the village. After discussion, it was concluded that there was a lack of information among residents in the early stages of installation, and many did not realize that they needed to apply to be connected when the cables were being laid. Otherwise, there would be a long wait for any later connections to be made.  Councillors concluded that there was little that the PC could do, as it was a commercial matter between residents and Openreach.

Sewage pollution:

The sewage pollution in the playing field ditch was discussed. The chairman reported that he had written to two householders in the vicinity, advising them of the problem. Both replied, one to say that they had already installed a domestic sewage treatment plant, and the other replied that they were in the process of doing so. As the extent of the drain pipe from which the effluent was coming is not known, councillors concluded that it would be advisable to wait for both householder’s treatment plants to be operational before looking further.

Minting defibrillator:

The location of the Minting defibrillator was discussed again. Councillors concluded that, whilst being very appreciative of Mr & Mrs Brown for ‘hosting’ the defibrillator to date, they felt that it should be located in a public space, as many residents might feel uncomfortable at entering private property to access it late at night.  Also, the unit is currently not visible to passers-by, and this was thought to be unsatisfactory. Cllr. Hughes proposed that the PC approach Minting Village Hall Committee with a request to relocate the defibrillator at the village hall, where it will be both visible and accessible. Cllr. Stuchfield  seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed.

Parish maintenance:

Gautby noticeboard - following discussions at the previous meeting, the chairman recommended an aluminium notice board produced by the Parish Noticeboard Company from Cheshire. A variety of sizes were available in a price range of £650-£850. Cllr H. Padfield agreed to consult Gautby residents on colour. Cllrs. agreed to proceed with a maximum price of £850, final details and placing of an order would be confirmed at the next meeting.

Headwall fence and gate - following a complaint from a resident, the chairman reported that he had checked the state of the fence and gate above the headwall, in Church Lane, Minting, of the large bore pipe that carries the beck water behind the church.  Some rails and the handgate were deteriorating, and needed replacing.  It was agreed to get quotations for the repairs.  It was noted that the fence onto the Green had been mended by Mr. Bunn, and the chairman expressed his thanks.

Signposts - Cllr. Hughes mentioned that the Hungram Lane signpost had still not been replaced, which had been commented on by customers at the Sebastapol. The wooden sign on Pinfold Lane had fallen off, and Cllr Hughes had taken it for safe-keeping until the lettering could be transferred to a new board. Cllr. Bruntlett suggested approaching Mr Lamyman to do the work. The chairman said that he would look into obtaining a replacement board.

Gwenda Bell Memorial Gates - The meeting considered a quotation from B.Knight & Son of Langworth  of £2520.00 plus V.A.T.  for the new Minting churchyard gates. The chairman noted that another quotation should be sought before a decision was made, however, he asked the meeting to decide in principle whether to fully fund the project.  He mentioned that parish councils had an obligation to maintain a graveyard, which was in most villages provided by the churchyard, so this would be within the powers vested in councils by Act of Parliament, but not contributions to the church building itself.  Cllr. Stuchfield proposed that the PC fully fund the replacement gates in principle. Cllr Hughes seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed.  Full consideration of quotes and final decision to be made at the next  meeting.

Date of next meeting and agenda items:

The next meeting date was confirmed as Tuesday 12 January 2021. Councillors requested that Dist. Cllr. Gray be asked to update the PC on investigations into the property in Gautby, about which complaints have been made, as this is a constant nuisance. LCC Highways Dept must be contacted regarding signage etc, as problems do not get resolved without some agitation. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.45pm.