Minutes of 24 March 2020

Minutes of e-mail / telephone consultation of Minting and Gautby Parish Council to replace the cancelled public meeting of 24th March 2020 due to the coronavirus emergency.


[1]   Chairman’s welcome.  Councillors agreed to suspend Standing Orders concerning meeting procedure in order that the business of the PC can continue during the current emergency.   Any item not receiving unanimous agreement of Councillors will be deferred to the next formal public meeting.

[2]  Declarations of interest.   There were no declarations of interest.

[3]   Minting and Gautby Support Group.    The Chairman congratulated Ben and Zara McLoughlin for founding MAGS.   Councillors agreed that the PC would fully support the Group, and further agreed to underwrite any costs or losses incurred by it.  Dist. Cllr. Gray had indicated that there could be some funding available for Councils to assist any voluntary groups such as MAGS.

[4]  To confirm or amend the Draft Notes of the meeting of 4th January 2020.

      The Draft Notes were confirmed without amendment.

[5]   Matters arising from the Minutes, and activity since the last meeting.

      The Chairman reported that the Precept application had been lodged, and acknowledged.  The Pensions regulator and HMRC accounts had been updated.

     The Appeal against Refusal of Permission to erect two bungalows on land adjoining Church Lane, Minting, had been rejected by the Planning Inspectorate.                  

The application for outline Planning permission to erect an agricultural dwelling at Lodge Yard, Minting, had been successful, and the applicant was now seeking detailed permission.  


     A re-application for planning permission regarding static caravans at Eastfield Farm, Minting had been lodged.

[6]    Correspondence.     There will not be a Best Kept Village competition this year.  The PC had received a complaint raising concern about the re-build of the beck fence in Minting.  The Chairman had replied, explaining that both Witham 3rd IDB and the Highways Authority had declined to repair the fence, and that the PC had paid for similar repairs in the past.

      Other correspondence of note was related to other agenda items.

[7]   To agree on action regarding resident’s complaints regarding a property in Gautby.   Cllr.H.Padfield reported that the tipping of builder’s waste on the site had increased recently, and such activity was causing a nuisance to near neighbours.  The Chairman agreed to raise the matter with Dist. Cllr. Gray, and ELDC Planning Dept.

[8]   Finance.

        [a]   To approve payment to EKM Ltd of £696.20.

                Payment was approved unanimously.

        ]b]    To appoint an Auditor for the year 2019-2020.

                The Chairman advised that Diane Horsley had agreed to do the annual audit.  It was unanimously agreed to appoint her as auditor for 2019-2020.

        [c]   To further consider a move to online banking.

               Cllr. Bruntlett proposed that the PC adopt online Banking, and this was agreed by all Councillors.  Chairman to pursue this when the present lockdown conditions allow.  The PC needs to set up suitably secure arrangements to replicate the current double signature cheque system, so a face-to-face discussion with a member of Bank staff would be best.

          [d]   To approve the 2019-20 accounts to date, and Bank reconciliation.

                The chairman presented the accounts to date, and explained that there had been a small adjustment to delete two small time-expired unpresented cheques.   Councillors unanimously agreed that the Bank reconciliation was correct.





[e]   To update and approve the Register of Assets.

        The Chairman asked permission to scrap the Brother DPC-J4 printer, as it was no longer usable, and also that the beck fence be added to the Register.  These were unanimously agreed.  The Chairman also commented that the whereabouts of the Title Deeds to the playing field was not known, and that this needed to be investigated.

[f]   To allocate sums to earmarked reserves in respect of Gautby kiosk painting, and the G.Bell memorial gates.

      As the painting of Gautby kiosk was authorised by the PC in the 2019-20 financial year, but not yet completed, the Chairman suggested that £600 be put to a earmarked reserve for that purpose.    Also, the PC agreed in principal at the meeting of 14th January 2020 to make a major contribution towards the G.Bell memorial gates for the churchyard.  The chairman suggested that £1000 be put to a earmarked reserve for that purpose.   The residue of the surplus for the current would be added to the general reserve.    This was agreed unanimously by Councillors.  Final audited accounts to be adopted in May 2020.

[9] Training. 

 Cllrs. Hughes, Bruntlett, H.Padfield and J.Padfield had attended an evening LALC training course.   The Chairman had attended a full day financial management course, and also a course on the new style council websites – to be introduce this year.

[10]  To discuss the Annual Parish Meeting,  and to decide on PC meeting dates for the next year.

  As the current Coronavirus lockdown regulations prevent the holding of public meetings, councillors agreed that nothing could be arranged until the situation has been officially clarified with regards to the APM.

[11]   To decide on dates for the Parish Council annual meeting, and dates for ordinary PC meetings in 2020.

      Again, current conditions preclude a normal Annual Parish Council meeting, which would normally be held in May.   Councillors agreed that consultations to replace ordinary meetings would take place every two months of the year, the next one to replace the APC meeting in May.  Such consultations will be advertised on the website and on parish noticeboards.    Dates agreed  will be  19th May, 28th July, 22nd September and 24th November 2020.


[12]    Parish maintenance.

            [a]  To appoint a grasscutting contractor for 2020-21.

             Councillors agreed to accept the quotation from EKM Ltd for the ensuing year.

            [b]   To organise an inspection of Minting playing field and equipment.

             Councillor Bruntlett agreed to carry out an inspection .

             [c]    Other parish maintenance matters.

             Councillors agreed that no other maintenance matters could be undertaken until lockdown conditions allow.