Minutes of PC meeting 29 Sept 2020
Minutes of the Minting and Gautby Parish Council meeting held on the 29th September 2020, at Minting Village Hall at 7.00pm.
Due to Covid 19 regulations the meeting was restricted to the six standing parish councillors.
Present:- Cllr. E.B.Clark - chairman, Cllrs. H.Padfield, C.Bruntlett and J.Stuchfield.
[1] Chairman's welcome and apologies for absence.
The chairman welcomed the councillors to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Hughes, citing a slight cold, and Cllr. J.Padfield, citing work pressure. Cllr.Bruntlett proposed acceptance of both apologies, seconded by Cllr.Stuchfield, and unanimously agreed.
[2] Declarations of interest.
No declarations of interest were received.
[3] To confirm, or amend, and sign the draft minutes of the meeting of 30th June 2020.
Cllr. Stuchfield proposed acceptance of the draft minutes without amendment. Cllr. Bruntlett seconded the motion, which was then unanimously agreed. The minutes were then signed by the chairman.
[4] Matters arising from the minutes, and activity since 30th June.
The chairman advised that, regarding the proposed verge clearance discussed at the previous PC meeting, he had spoken to the owner of West Farm, who was not in favour of the work being done, as he did not want any increase in traffic speed past his house. Without his agreement, the chairman thought that it was not advisable to proceed with the project. The advice of the County Highways Department would be sought on the matter.
The Minting and Gautby Support Group was now effectively defunct, as Ben and Zara McLoughlin ad left the parish. The residue of the financial grant received from ELDC was still available to support similar voluntary initiatives in the future.
[5] Correspondence.
District Cllr. Gray had advised that initial enforcement proceedings had been enacted in the matter of the property in Gautby about which complaints had been made.
The Council was receiving updates on the progress of the new style parish websites. The new format will be of a type that is compatible with certain technological aids that are used by individuals with particular disabilities.
[6] Reports from District / County Councillors.
District Councillor Gray sent his regards and referred the councillors to the East Lindsey Messenger, which covered topical matters in the area.
[7] Finance.
[a] To agree the Lloyds Bank account reconcilliation.
The chairman reported that all the cheques issued in the present financial year had been presented. The Lloyds Bank account current balance of £15486.21 therefore represented an accurate state of the Council's finances. Cllr. Bruntlett proposed that the Bank reconciliation be adopted, seconded by Cllr. H.Padfield and unanimously agreed. The RFO, Cllr. Stuchfield, signed the Bank statement.
[b] To agree to the re-issue of a time-expired cheque to Gautby Village Hall Committee .
The Council had received a request from Gautby VH Committee to re-issue a cheque for £17.00 of 20th January, now time expired. The cheque in question was itself in part payment of an even earlier unpresented cheque. Cllr. Stuchfield proposed re-issuing the cheque, seconded by Cllr. Bruntlett and unanimously agreed.
A discussion followed concerning the Council's spending for the current year. With negligible administration costs so far this year, the Council may under-spend it's budget by a considerable amount. If this occurs, the Council's reserves will exceed the recommended levels, and the 2021-22 Parish Precept will have to be reduced. The chairman advised that all substantial spending decisions need to be made by the January 12th 2021 meeting.
[8] Parish maintenance.
[a] Repair of the beck fence, The Green, Minting.
Cllr. Stuchfield reported that his neighbour, Mr. Bunn, had offered to do the repairs. The Council accepted his offer with thanks.
[b] Gautby notice board.
Cllr. H.Padfield mentioned that he had consulted residents, and the general opinion was that a metal type notice board would be preferred, as needing less maintenance in the future. Cllrs. agreed to look at available types, and make a decision at the next meeting.
[c] Gautby kiosk.
The chairman said that he was disappointed that the painting of the kiosk had not yet been done. He would contact the contractor to enquire when it will be finished. Also, moving the defibrillator into the kiosk will probably involve changing the electricity supply to a different tariff. This can be looked into when there is more time in the Winter.
[d] Road signs.
The missing Hungram Lane junction sign has still not been replaced. The wooden sign on the Pinfold Lane junction is in a poor state, and Cllrs. thought that a volunteer with woodworking skills might be found to renew it.
[9] Future meeting dates.
After discussion, the Council decided that the next two meeting dates would be Tuesday 24th November 2020, and Tuesday 12th January 2021. As regulations will probably still preclude public participatin in PC meetings, extra measures will be taken to alert residents to meeting dates, and to invite public questions and suggestions.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.55pm.