Minting and Gautby Parish Council - Home page



Welcome to Minting and Gautby Parish Council


The Minting Classic Motor Show

held on September 8th 2024 attracted over 170 cars, tractors, motorbikes and static engines.  A dull start turned into a sunny afternoon, with the many visitors admiring the immaculately kept vehicles and browsing the stalls selling everything from motor accessories to locally donated cakes.  £2,200 was raised for St Barnabas Hospice, well ahead of last year's total.  Committee chairman Ken Smith thanked all those who had contributed to a very successful day.


Parish Council business

Parish Council news

Sadly, inflation has forced us to increase the Parish Precept [ our part of your Council Tax] by 5.45% to £5,800 for 2024.

New gates for Gautby churchyard  recently erected..

New councillors welcomed.

At our July 2024 meeting we welcomed two new co-opted members, Wendy Hughes and Alison Cadman.  The parish council is now up to full strength with 8 members.

Our defibrillators have moved 

The Minting defibrillator is now located by the Grundy's Lane side door of Minting village hall, and the Gautby defibrillator is now in the telephone kiosk.

Top minting defibrillator.

The new defibrillator for Top Minting is now installed in the green cabinet on the gatepost of 'Whitegates'.

Litter pickers

Help keep our villages tidy. Litter pickers available for public use - contact Cllr. Lindsey Bury on 07532 225692

Flood prevention

Witham 3rd Internal Drainage Board and LCC Highways Dept. have advised us that they are currently costing various flood prevention measures for Minting.  We hope to be in discussions with them soon as to the best solution .

Bardney Food Bank

Bardney Food Bank covers the Bardney group of parishes, including Minting and Gautby.

If you are, or know anyone, in need, please contact Harry Jeffrey on 01526 397448 in complete confidence.

Deliveries can be arranged. 

Flood aid

Community Recovery Grant

Up to £500 for residents affected by flooding

e-mail  =

Council tax discounts.

100% council tax relief for affected residents.

e-mail  =

Business rates relief.

100% relief for 3 months

01507 601111  or e-mail =

Property Flood Resilience Grant Scheme

Up to £5000 to make your property more resilient to flooding.

e-mail  =

Business Recovery Grant

Up to £2500 to return to business a.s.a.p.


Further advice on all schemes:-  contact

01507 527017


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